A person has no own opinion, everyone is constantly trying to take advantage of it, but person cannot say "no"

People who are the “delicious piece of cake” for manipulative and toxic partners/friends. Often such people do not feel their body at all, they do not know themselves, or are easy to manipulate, because they have not built their own personal system of values, principles, they sincerely do not understand what they like and what they don’t.

As an example, when they come to a restaurant with someone, they don’t even know what to order and give the right to choose food for them to their friend/partner. Or, when they are somewhere with other people, for example, doing some business, they completely and unconsciously transfer responsibility for their life, safety and what is happening to them to another person. They themselves do not even realize this; they are aware of the discomfort already when they have been “taken advantage of” for the benefit of the interests of another person.

All this happens because a person does not deeply love himself and does not choose his interests. Most likely, such a person had a childhood under conditions of harsh upbringing from one or both parents or people who replace them. Since childhood, the ability to speak, to declare himself, to defend what is theirs and to receive what rightfully belongs to them has been suppressed. Therefore, quite often other people, groups of people, organizations easily take money from such people, they easily borrow large sums of money and then do not pay them back, and the person is even scared and ashamed to ask for his own money back.

The framework of respect and permission - what other people can do/say regarding such a person - is very blurred. Often, people around them tend to humiliate and offend this person, because he smells of the “I don’t respect myself” state; this, like a magnet, attracts toxic people into the environment of such a person

Constantly repeating cases of unreturned unhappy love. Toxicm humiliating partner. Cheating on you. Every time you seems to finally met your love and your person, something negative happens. Too much drama, too much negative emotions, disappointments

If you are still too young, you still hope to find your person and build a relationship with this person, if you are already over thirty and have had a lot of disappointments, perhaps you have become so disappointed in life that you have decided not to enter into a relationship with anyone at all and live alone. Perhaps you have even found your peace and happiness in solitude.

But still, something, even unnoticed by you, slips away. Sometimes you would like to share your emotions with someone and do this not with random “friends” or on social networks, but with someone closer, whom you can definitely trust.

Perhaps sometimes it is especially difficult for you, since there is no person on whom you could at least for a couple of days entrust responsibility for everything that is happening around you and just relax; too much stress, responsibility, and uncertainty about the future have accumulated.

And the most important basic needs – communication, sex, spending QUALITY time with a person you trust – are difficult or even impossible to satisfy alone.

All this gives you some discomfort. You would like to “go through” this topic, but there were so many difficult and negative experiences on this topic that you “gave up” and do not believe that a miracle can happen and somehow you can find a truly “your” person and build a relationship without dramas.

I will help you to gently, smoothly and carefully heal from all that negative experience of past painful relationships that poisons your life, to cleanse and free yourself from past partners, to open your heart anew as it was in deep childhood before all those painful situations in your life. You will again feel love for the world, people, you will be able to open up to the topic of happy relationships. And most importantly - you will love YOURSELF again! And also, you will free yourself from those internal programs that subconsciously pushed you to build relationships with destructive and toxic potential partners.

Body pain. Especially severe tension and pain in the neck, masticatory muscles, sacrum and lower back. Pain in the knees, elbow and shoulder joints.

If you did any physical procedures, for example, massages, it only helped for 2-7 days, then the pain returned. I can help you eliminate painful sensations forever, working with the root cause of certain conditions, and not masking the consequences or simply pushing through your body, as happens during a regular massage.

An ordinary massage should not eliminate pain in your body forever, because its original purpose is completely different. Healing, and especially a session of Soul reconnection, is something that can eliminate the problem entirely by working with the true root cause, which is often multi-level in nature and lies not in the physical body, but in the astral (emotional), mental and other levels of functioning of your bioenergy structure.

You are over 30, but you call your mother every day, and if you don’t want to do this, she gets very offended/angry and “it’s inconvenient for you to refuse, it’s MOM.” She allows herself to influence the decisions you make, sometimes quite harshly, without being particularly interested in whether you ask for help and her opinion or not. In general, you have a feeling of stiffness in your body and a kind of “prison” when it comes to your mother

The topic of failed separation from mother is one of the main problems of our time and one of the main reasons for people being “lost.” As a result, people never realized their identity, their isolation from mother, their individuality.

What happens as a result? A person subconsciously, unconsciously to himself, even at 30-40-50 years old, considers himself a CHILD who always needs the support / advice / care of his mother in everything. It may seem that this is not a problem at all. "What's wrong with that?". However, it is precisely the situation of lack of separation from the mother that causes the following phenomena: it’s as if “nothing is happening” in your life – others are getting married, someone has already built a business that is bringing good profits, someone is implementing serious large-scale projects... someone, but not you... and you literally don’t understand , why, having a “potential for a million”, you are content with “pathetic crumbs” and cannot, not only reach the level of a “successful person”, you cannot even satisfy your basic needs, there is not enough money and other resources for this; you are dissatisfied with your work, life, relationships, but in your world “it is impossible to change” and you, like a victim of circumstances, “go with the flow”, and it’s as if you have even lost faith that it is possible to change; you don’t even realize it, but in everything, in every action you take, you need the approval of the “invisible” mother - the image in your head, the controlling voice of your mother, who says “this is good”, and this is “indecent”, this is “decent”, but this is not;

It would take a long time to explain how this situation could end, but it's better to see it once. I recommend watching this video on YouTube.

You guess or know for sure, you have the gift of a healer. Most likely, it was passed down to you through your family. But you are afraid/deny it, you don’t work with people. At the same time, you regularly have health problems/money problems/relationships are not working out

If a person with the destiny of a healer does not discover the Gift in himself and refuses to work with people, his life will go downhill, such is the Law.

In this case, many factors are often intertwined that mislead such a person, preventing him from realizing his potential:

- often this is the memory of the Soul from past incarnations, where a person was killed or severely injured in connection with such “superpowers” ​​(as witches were burned at the stake or what was done to Jesus);

- it is also the memory of the clan and its representatives “written” in the cells that being a magician/healer and the like can be dangerous and can be persecuted for it;

- the fact that a person watched horror films, where the “otherworldly” world is always depicted as something very low-astral and dangerous;

- inability and ignorance of how the world actually works, failure to understand that these abilities are a huge gift and honor and, whether you like it or not, until you begin to use it for the benefit of people, life will be very difficult and constantly You will face many problems – lack of money, health problems, inability to build a happy relationship. At this stage, you most likely do not see a direct connection between these problems and the refusal of the healing gift, but it is so.

Persistent short-term illnesses or the presence of chronic diseases

Any physical illness can be completely healed. A matter of time and the strength of the Spirit, the desire to Live and regain oneself. I can help you in healing physical illnesses, restoring the musculoskeletal system, joints, ligaments, including after injuries, operations, accidents, curing (complete or partial) scoliosis, improving vision, hearing, removing stagnation of bile (provided there are no stones in the gallbladder), normalization of the activity of internal organs.

In my practice, there were several clients with cancer who had already undergone a course of medical therapy, as well as at the very initial stage of the disease, I don’t know the fate of some of them, because we do not maintain contact, but I know several people personally who were completely cured after our sessions.

Any disease can be healed, it all depends on the strength of your desire and the strength of your spirit, your willingness to work on yourself, to know yourself and to reveal your energy, freeing yourself from false ego-beliefs about yourself, which are the deep root cause of your diseases. What manifested itself at the level of the physical body is already a consequence, an end point. It all started at the level of your distorted thoughts/emotions/desires/states.

Unreasonable worry, anxiety and fears

Feeling of anxiety, constant worry about any reason. A background state that never leaves you. It's very difficult to relax. Often relaxation comes only using some substances or alcohol. The need to take sedative pills, the dose and strength of which must constantly increase.

At the same time, the fear of acting is especially pronounced, and the brain finds a million reasons and reasons to do nothing, because the action can be dangerous and will end in problems for you. Stopper, inability to move forward, take responsibility for the implementation of ideas, plans, projects. Due to constant anxiety - fatigue, hands as if dropped, apathy, lack of passion for life.

Although, perhaps, before you were full of passion, activity and desire to live. And now it’s as if something has happened and fear has paralyzed you.

There may be a million or even more reasons for this fear. Just remember that nothing happens by chance and, most likely, during the periods of conception, intrauterine development, birth and early childhood, it was a whole cascade of events that provoked a huge number of blocks and clamps in your body, behind each of which there is a frightening traumatic situation , which are imprinted on your body/psyche/energy and now you are doomed to experience this fear and anxiety constantly.

A very common case is that this fear and anxiety is not yours personally, but your mother experienced a feeling of anxiety and insecurity during pregnancy, you felt it (especially if you are a sensitive and empathic person), you mixed your personal feelings with your mother’s anxiety and adopted them. In fact, in this body, from the moment of birth, you have never lived “without this feeling,” although you were born with it. This has become a kind of normal life for you, which more and more, every year, exhausts you and takes away your strength and energy of Life.

Something very new is happening in your life and you are afraid to accept it and let go of the old, but there is no other choice

Whether you know it or not, whether you accept it or not, each Soul has a specific program for this incarnation. It looks like this: before the moment of incarnation of your Soul into your body, it signed a contract, where it itself chose to receive certain experiences in this body and in this incarnation.

And the secret of the success of each individual person lies in whether you cope with the programmed lessons, events, conditions or not, and then what we call problems begins to arise in your life. It is also important that, of course, the Soul could have chosen circumstances that were not entirely pleasant for you, through the prism of his Ego and simple human essence, could perceive as “pain,” “injustice,” and so on. This arises only for the simple reason that a person does not see the final result, the full picture and why exactly this is happening now and what final level of development he will reach after going through these situations and lessons.

So, as the years go by, the program is being implemented. Meetings with soul people according to your soul contracts, changes in health status, moving, and so on. This will inevitably happen according to the plan of your Soul... but is your Ego ready to accept all this, at this stage not seeing the full Greatness of the picture of life and therefore, perhaps, rebelling, resisting and indignant when these changes in real life begin to occur?

Dependencies. Alcoholism. Escaping reality in other forms. Severe depression. Suicidal tendencies. Very severely overweight. Night terrors, a feeling of heaviness and a constant presence in the room where you live or as if someone is constantly following you and looking at you. Participation in sects and fear of leaving them. Oncology. Contracts and seeking help from magicians, witches and other similar people. Destructive influence on you from magicians, sorcerers and witches, magical influences. Other extremely difficult situations from which you are trying to find a way out and liberation

Cases are different, but they all require powerful work aimed at exorcism of destructive entities, demons, pulling you out of heavy destructive egregors and communities, strong cleansing and rewiring of your bioenergy structure. In this I am especially effective, because exorcism is my main energy and purpose. We will discuss all the details in person

Non-acceptance of yourself, dissatisfaction with yourself, You’ll do something else with yourself and then everything will finally be fine, and I will be worthy of love, money, a new start in life, and so on...

Not accepting your body, the desire to constantly “improve” yourself more and more through Botox injections, surgeries, increasing/decreasing something for yourself, and you are frankly tired of it. It’s constantly as if you’re out of place, there’s some kind of irritation in the body and there’s no peace, because you still need to somehow improve yourself.

Dissatisfaction with yourself, self-criticism, no matter how much or what you do, you can never fully enjoy it and be “proud” of yourself, often this is accompanied by criticism of others and distrust of other people.

Perfectionism, which everyone around you and even you yourself are tired of, disbelief in yourself and other people around you, distrust of the Universe and Life, a thirst for constant control and the inability to relax.

Severe cramps in the neck area and problems with the gastrointestinal tract (yes, yes - it’s all connected). Endless criticism and dissatisfaction with yourself and others, to the point that you most likely already have questions about your liver health. Although in fact it seems to you that you are a very friendly and non-conflict person.