I will tell you honestly, one of my greatest life lessons is to learn to accept the world as it is. How easy it is for me to get upset, how easy it is for me to feel irritated! Anger, irascibility, hatred – this is, perhaps, my “darkest” side. And if earlier for me it was +- acceptable, I will tell you even more – earlier on this energy I achieved a lot in life through “winning”, “breaking through”, “becoming the best”, even through humiliating others.

I remember those memories when I endlessly took part in oratory contests, debates and other competitions during my school and university years, where I always won. Why? First, because I naturally read people and know what I can “pressure”; second, because I have intellectual abilities given to me by my parents and the Creator.

Such a mix (in the case of a “skew” to the negative side of its manifestation) very easily gives rise to a feeling of superiority and significantly feeds my Ego, which used to be very arrogant (to some extent it is still like that now, but at this stage of my life I can at least more or less catch these states and be aware when I am “carried away” into the depths of my own false greatness).

Why doesn’t this work in my life ANYMORE? Well, I’ll be honest, it never worked. Because in its essence, the Ego-state of arrogance has a humiliating demonic character. The specificity of demonic energies and states is that demons ALWAYS give something, taking a person to some false TEMPORARY states - success, victory (as in my case), and then take it away and, in addition, a good portion of life energy "from above". This phenomenon sounds like "know how to lose". So, when you reach from the ego-state of "prove", "destroy", "show how cool you are", you do not know how to lose at all. As a result, a person will sooner or later be left "at a broken trough". Unless, of course, he chooses to serve his demon and will not give him more and more and more, and also - to curry favor with him. But then, complete darkness begins and destruction, up to diseases and physical death, primarily due to arterial hypertension and heart attacks / strokes.
How else can you achieve success and get what you want if not through demonic energies? Through Love and Soul! Love for what you do, what you do, through sincere dedication to the world of your energy, creativity, talent, abilities
For example, the same defense of scientific work aimed at obtaining the status of Doctor of Philosophy (sphere of Law). Did I do it in order to benefit people with my scientific work? Absolutely not. I just liked to speak, attracting attention to myself, making loud statements, and after all, this is a degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. Here it should be said that in the post-Soviet space there is such a specificity of "respect" for diplomas, certificates and formal confirmations of a specialist's competence. It is precisely this inflated, pompous Ego, which is confirmed by a pile of papers - this is very often a "revered" image, in the territories where I grew up.

If you think about it - does this really have any meaning and value? No. Is it attractive from the point of view of getting new clients? On the one hand, yes, but often it attracts the same more “superficial” people who care about “status” and tinsel, who are often even ready to “overpay”, perhaps having received a service that is essentially of lower quality, but since this service was provided in some pretentious place, and the specialist has a million diplomas and regalia, all these processes are read both by the specialist himself and by such people as something very “significant”, pretentious, important.

Yes, of course, there is a certain meaning and essence in this, but to a greater extent these are social games. Previously, this was very interesting to me, because I did not understand the depth - neither mine, nor the people around me. Form and wrapper were more important than content. Mask and games were more important than the essence.

Now, perhaps, to some extent too. And I say right away, I am not a supporter of the approach to start ignoring your appearance or providing a service in low-quality or untidy conditions, and diplomas often indicate a person’s high qualifications and professionalism. In this case, I am talking about situations that I have been involved in myself before and have seen many similar cases in the outside world - when the content is completely replaced by a false cartoonish pompous form. To be honest, you can see this a lot in Dubai. But not among the natives, in whom the "breed" is visible from a mile away, but among the visiting guys and girls who like to "throw dust" in the eyes with the latest iPhone or other attributes of "rich success" (bought with money taken on credit or earned through escorting).

After all, the whole situation that I described above is the outcome and result of deep childhood trauma, an inferiority complex that is masked and hidden behind a bunch of ego-masks of false importance and a sense of false superiority. And you can live like that, of course, but behind this whole situation there is always a desire to humiliate others and thereby rise in the eyes of other people, “at any cost”. This is the lot of people who will always live at a fairly low level of social and material level.

Because in general, this whole story is very full of negative emotions, regarding other people, often criticism and devaluation of others. Instead of taking care of themselves, their lives, their development and focusing attention on themselves, such people endlessly drain energy into criticism, devaluation, gossip and discussion of other people.

Such people very often fall into a state of competition with other similar “players”, although, in fact, there is never any competition as such. You simply either do the best you can and focus your attention on yourself and your activities, or you simply don’t do it and waste your energy on “keeping an eye on your competitors.” As a result, there is no time or energy left for your personal plans, ideas, work, achievements. Everything goes to those people who are discussed and/or criticized.

Because that’s how everything works in the Universe – where the focus of our attention is, there is our energy. If your focus of attention is on the outside world – competitors, “unwanted people,” imaginary enemies – you simply don’t have the time, energy, or resources to fully and completely engage in your life, activities, and development.

I recently had a consultation with my favorite astrologer - she is so powerful! Wow! And she told me - if you want more clients for consultations, Alex, it is important for you to "remove yourself" from these consultations and your activities, "lower the degree of significance."

I did not understand what this was about before, but now the puzzle is gradually coming together. She also said one phrase that, most likely, I had similar situations in childhood and I saw that people behave this way. At first I did not understand what she was talking about, and then I remembered ... but this is the story of my entire childhood!

I always sat at the table, eating with my parents, and they really loved to discuss how bad or negative this or that person was, what mistakes he/she makes and/or how poorly they cope with their responsibilities. Such thoughts really flashed through my head! I even listened to this and, as I recall now, thoughts flashed through my mind "why do you criticize presidents, mayors, bosses at work, but you yourself have not become the same important people in high positions and do not start doing things differently, changing this world" ... but that's just childish maximalist thoughts.

But it doesn't change the essence - criticism, devaluation of others, gossip and discussion - this is the lot of the poor strata of the population. Because successful people simply will not waste their time, energy and resources on this.

In general, this topic is huge and large-scale. It is about the most painful thing - the human Ego. To go through it is to surrender to yourself, to your true self, your pain and to take off all these masks, pride and pomposity. Is it easy? No. The most terrible enemy is the one inside. Will I go through this - of course I will, and we have gone through much more.

To whom this text is addressed - you will go through it too, if necessary. The main thing is to understand why. As you grow, new opportunities open up, a new reality, a new "motor" is established, on which you "function" and interact with the world.

And, of course, it is always important to understand the law of cause and effect, intentions and the state in which you do certain actions, motivation. You can't fool demons, they are always standing around the corner and are just waiting for your "puncture" to give you a temporary ego-kick to act from a false motivation to "conquer", "humiliate", "establish themselves" at the expense of others, and then take many times more. The answer to the question - how to build a HARMONIOUS LIFE without fear of losses and "surprises" in the form of inexplicable losses and other unpleasant situations - is to develop and build your success through the Soul and Love.

A little slower, but reliable and forever. This does not mean that the transformations in life will stop, no, Life is an endlessly flowing river, but there will definitely be no painful, unexpected and frankly unpleasant situations.


I have the gift of seeing, conducting energy and transmitting information from the Souls of people in words. I read the past, options for the development of the future, everything about you as much as your Soul allows.

Up to dates, events, finding the true root causes of your destructive states and completely healing them at all levels and forever (if there is your will and permission of the Soul).

Complete diagnosis of the state of your bioenergy structure, “scanning” and viewing of internal organs and health status