Energy coaching for business. Case from practice
How to make your business thrive. How to increase profits through energy healing. Adviсe
Coffee shop "Coffee shop by Sewon Mark". Aluthgama, Sri Lanka, 2024
Coffee Shop by Sewon Mark. Aluthgama, Sri Lanka. 2024.

The owner has a very cozy coffee shop, with a beautiful design, very kind and good energy there. This is a large house where the owner of the coffee shop lives with his wife and children, they have a very good family and this energy of a warm home hearth is felt literally immediately when you enter the coffee shop.

But! Despite all this true luxury, while I was sitting there and working every day for 6-8 hours, per day, in addition to me, this place was visited by a maximum of 3-4 more people and that's it...

Despite the fact that Aluthgama is a very touristy place and I saw a lot of "white tourists" there, there were only two really beautiful, cozy coffee shops at a decent level in the town. This one and another one. The second one is "promoted", there is a huge flow of people there. Everything is very commercialized, noisy and large-scale. The second place is this. It is run by a family - husband Sajit, his wife and two children: the eldest - a girl and a younger brother. They have a VERY COZY, beautiful and stunningly delicious coffee with homemade coconut milk, which they make themselves... Needless to say that Sajit fanatically cares about the quality of food and drinks. For example, he refuses to serve people local coffee, reasonably considering it not the best in terms of taste in comparison, for example, with the high standards of coffee from South America. Therefore, he goes on a motorbike to buy high-quality coffee beans brought from Italy in a neighboring city. He really CARES A LOT about his business.

They are located next to the central bus station, literally 150 meters walk and are listed on Google maps... The prices are very affordable, even in comparison with the prices in the second coffee shop I mentioned above. There, coffee costs 1.5 times more and it is not nearly as tasty... I look at this and think... Why are there no customers? Despite the fact that the second establishment is full of customers...

By the way, Sajit's wife cooked a gorgeous traditional Sri Lankan dinner... very tasty! But before I arrived, they didn't serve these dishes in their establishment... But more on that later;)
Since this article will be read by people from different countries of the world, I would like to ask you to treat it without excessive criticism. Yes, if you live in a huge metropolis of a developed country of the world, naturally, you see coffee shops every day that are "brighter" than this one.

But... Sri Lanka is a country that only about a year ago more or less got out of a huge economic crisis and there were no tourists there at all. Now there are a lot of tourists, but still this does not save the fact that the country is at a fairly low level of economic development, and the mainstream of cozy coffee shops, as is now the case in most developed countries of the world, is not popular there. Smoothie bowls and coffee latte with oat milk you will either not find there at all, or will find them only tens of kilometers away.

I will also note that I adore coffee and cozy coffee shops! This is my love and weakness. So when we started talking with Sajit and he mentioned that he would be interested in having more clients and he didn't know how to do it, I became very interested. Because these are the energies and matters that I understand and its interesting to me.

Let's be honest. We are attracted to places if they satisfy our needs. And the more they satisfy them, the more attractive they are.

What needs of mine did this place satisfied?

1. It is a very quiet, cozy and calm place. It is beautiful and stylish. This is what attracted me. Before I started helping the owner with promotion and development, I came there every day and worked online, ordering a lot of coffee and delicious food (which was profitable for this place, of course). And, on the one hand, it is not good for the cafe that there were not a lot of customers, but on the other hand, it was comfortable for me to work, since there were no people in the cafe and I could focus on what I was doing without being distracted.

2. Kindness, care, attention. They are very sincere. VERY. Everything is from the heart and with love. The energy of family is very strongly felt in this place. Since I am essentially always a loner, I was very attracted to this energy, I kind of touched it, being there.

3. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING - delicious coffee! Also, in Sri Lanka, a traditional lunch is very common - rice, with which delicious different things are served in separate plates. I just adore it and wherever I was in Sri Lanka, I ordered exactly this food... But they did not have this item on the menu! Only fruits, smoothies, ice cream. I REALLY LOVE traditional Sri Lankan lunch. And every day they prepared it SPECIALLY for me according to my order. THIS LEVEL OF PERSONALIZATION AND CARE IS EXTREMELY CAPTIVATING!

We immediately added this item to the menu

The thing is that preparing such a chic set of dishes was not a problem. Sajit's wife cooks so deliciously and with such love! Amazing! But the problem was that they were not sure that they would have enough customers for daily orders, and they did not want to buy products so that they would spoil later.

As a result, I suggested the owner the following option - to make lunches by pre-order. If people want and, for example, are staying in a hotel nearby, they can simply place an order a day in advance.

This is far from the most convenient option, but better then nothing, for a start and "to warm up". I took photos of the dish for them and designed a menu page for these dishes^

I told the owner that I can read the energy of people, places, businesses, and if he wants, I can help. The only thing I need for this is his permission, as the owner of this place. I can't read places/people without the owner's direct permission. I asked to give me two days and in two days so much information was loaded that I thought I would burst from such an energy flow🤪.


After reading the energy of this space, what I found out. Look, if we are talking about a franchise like McDonald's or Starbucks, it is simpler there. On a physical level, the promotion of the brand as such, recognition, increasing demand, advertising, and so on, is handled by the "center" and all this is on a huge planetary scale.

But I am an energy therapist and first of all I am interested in the topic of energy. In the case of a powerful center, a huge powerful egregor is created, and the owners feed it with energy in all sorts of ways. In return, the egregor gives such a person popularity, recognition, clients. A person who "took on this" should initially have a powerful merchant energy, a fairly strong yellow energy of the abdominal chakra and a willingness to bear enormous responsibility for compliance with quality standards and the requirements of the "center". And also a willingness to serve a large number of people. At the same time, there are no special requirements for creative potential, innovation, and so on. There is a task to organize and sell the way the center tells you. Ideally, if you are a "salesman" and not a "subtle creator" who values ​​the soulfulness of the process and love for what you do.

In the case of our small private coffee shop, it is a completely different matter. And that is why Sajit and I "found each other". Our values ​​coincide. He does not like to do "like everyone else", he does not like the ugly principles of the local market and not entirely "clean" trade. For example, I learned why there are so many clients in "that" second place - they simply pay a percentage of the customer's order to the guides, who frantically take tourists there, just to get a percentage of these orders.

Naturally, the tourists do not know this and everything is served under the sauce of "goodwill". Not nice. It does not resonate with me and Sajit either. The energy of dirty games. He says directly - I do not want to overcharge people just to give a percentage to the guide later. This is what allowed him to maintain very humane prices with the highest quality of service and delicious food.

We found ourselves in a situation where we had to find our own, unique ways to promote his cafe, without participating in those methods of advertising and promotion that are not, in Sajit's opinion (and mine too), honest. "When you live with wolves, howl like a wolf" - this is not our philosophy.

I created some video content for my friends to promote the cafe. Sajit also told me that his brother lives far from the city and has his own private garden and a store of essential oils, which he MAKES BY HIMSELF! Ohhh! What a GORGEOUS QUALITY his oils are! Some of the best on Earth, and I've tried a lot! Exclusively natural and "live". So I also decided to make a video for his brother when we went to his garden for an excursion.

This place is over five years old, it was successful before Covid. There was a souvenir shop, coffee and much more.

The first thing I read, my friend was emotionally very traumatized by the situation during Covid, when the flow of tourists stopped completely and he lost customers. After that - the strongest and most severe crisis in Sri Lanka. Sajith was emotionally "broken" and he gave up ... no emotional strength to fight ...

Your business will be successful only if there is an endless movement of energy! Always! No clients - it means you are not moving enough. Let's advertise more. If you can't advertise / there is no money for it - look for ways to tell more people about yourself in other ways. Publicity = cash. You can have the most delicious coffee. But if no one knows about it, no one will come to you.

Never stop developing! Stop - you roll back. The movement of your business is constant. But where - towards stagnation and decay or growth - only you decide.

Tired - take a vacation and fly for 3-5-7 days to NATURAL PLACES! Megapolises always SUCK OUT LIFE ENERGY! Only the energy of the Earth - trees, mountains, sea, ocean - give you the Power of Life. You will NEVER FIND these sources in a megapolis. The maximum that can save you is wood/natural stone products for the body, the use of natural essential oils, organic fruits/vegetables in the diet every day, high-quality clean water. Your health and pure energy state with a high volume of energy are the basis and foundation, if YOU ARE THE OWNER OF YOUR OWN BUSINESS. You are the beginning and source of this egregor. EVERYTHING is tied to you and your energy state! (Again, I am not talking about the topic of franchises of famous brands, there is a completely different story).

Since the owner of the coffee shop, frankly speaking, was in a slight stagnation and depression, a feeling of hopelessness (after two crises lasting about 4 years in total knocked him out of his emotional faith "in the best"), it was necessary to "disperse" the energy in his place. First of all, I made him a mix of very high-quality natural oils. I included orange, cinnamon, nutmeg, cedar, turmeric, cardamom and other spice oils and told him to drip them into all the corners of the rooms of his premises.

And ... oh MIRACLE! In just 3 days, the number of visitors increased to 8-9 people a day ... oils in the corners of the premises ... well, here I will not underestimate my contribution and will say honestly that with his permission I "cleaned" his place from heavy, stagnant, year-old energies.

In general, if people constantly come to your home or place of business, it must be cleaned constantly. This will be the key to maintaining the energetic purity of your premises.
For example, 20 people came into your premises per day. 5 of them were angry, 3 were depressed, and one had cancer. They carry these energies on themselves, the entities that provoke these states in people literally drag after them. And if you have a tendency to despondency or other negative states, these energies will easily “copy” into your aura and/or the energy of your premises. You will not even understand why you will wake up in a bad mood tomorrow… but only because yesterday the depressed guy spent 10 minutes in your room and left an energetic trace of his depression there. Let's get back to my friend. After talking to him, I realized that in our time, in the 21st century, he does not maintain social networks at all, does not advertise, does not announce himself in any way. Just a minute, his coffee shop is in the very center of the city near the central bus station, where there is a concentration of shops/cafes and so on. But people do not know about him. I suggested that he register on trip advisor, collect reviews in Google maps for small gifts like a cup of coffee, return to managing social platforms and create new ones. Without a loud statement about yourself, nothing will happen!

In general, this is very important for any business - constant and endless advertising, the more, the better. It is also very important to ensure excellent quality of the products that you produce. So that people are happy, leave good reviews, recommend your service and thus help you promote yourself. A fairly significant part of the profit should be invested in advertising, this is important. Otherwise, no one will know about you.

At the same time, energetically the most important thing is how the owner and staff feel. Everything starts with the energy of the person who stands at the origins of this or that enterprise / business, because this brainchild is a continuation and personification of the energy of the person himself. If you want your business to develop for the benefit of you and all people, you simply need to always improve, reveal and strengthen your personal energy. And you will not notice how, thanks to investments in yourself, your condition, development, your purity of energy and consciousness, your business will always develop, you will be full of creative ideas, which you will subsequently be able to convert into real actions, and as a result - into money that will come into your account from grateful clients.

The creative flow in this place was off the charts for me and I helped the guys with a new menu design:

In general, this is always important, but in this case the place is especially... MOVEMENT is mandatory!

Innovation, visit similar places in your city, follow the pages in social networks of similar businesses in your city, other cities, other countries.

Watch those who are the best on Earth in this area, what they do and what innovations they implement, but do not look at them from the position of competitors, but look from the position of subtle cooperation, because there is no competition as such in principle, there are enough clients for everyone, for each "lock" its own "key".

Moving creatively towards your development, you will not even notice how one day you will become one of the best in your industry, if not the best. But for this, the focus should not be on "earning" money in the moment and no matter what, but on providing your clients with the best level of service, care and prompt resolution of any issues that arise, and also always "giving" a little more than people expect. Then they will always be happy, and if this is the service sector - most likely, they will always leave something on top, "as a tip". Development and good luck to all in your Business!


I have the gift of seeing, conducting energy and transmitting information from the Souls of people in words. I read the past, options for the development of the future, everything about you as much as your Soul allows.

Up to dates, events, finding the true root causes of your destructive states and completely healing them at all levels and forever (if there is your will and permission of the Soul).

Complete diagnosis of the state of your bioenergy structure, “scanning” and viewing of internal organs and health status