How to heal any disease forever. How to solve any problem. The path of the healer. If you were born with the gift of a healer, YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT NOT TO IMPLEMENT IT

I think you have seen my favorite movie "Doctor Strange", in which the main character, not wanting to accept defeat in his life and not accepting the injuries he received, decided to go to a place of power in Nepal in search of healing for his hands. That is, he decided that, despite everything, what traditional medicine regards and calls an "incurable disease", he will heal and return to himself a full-fledged healthy body. This story is very similar to those stories and events that many healers experience, whom life "pushes" onto the Path of their destiny. Usually this is the story of people who were born to heal other people and bring a certain light and benefit to people, do not do this. And what to do? The Universe must somehow show them that they MUST start doing this.

Usually the very first signals come in early childhood, when such a child begins to see what other people do not see, feel what others do not feel and have other signs of "paranormality"... The classic story about parents "carefully" pointing out to the child that this "cannot be" or telling terrifying stories about someone living under the crib and who can "bite" them (as a result, such a child, even if he saw the astral plane and its inhabitants, begins to be afraid of all this, not knowing what it is and "believing" his parents... they decide to close their gift of vision and feeling)... or hundreds more examples of how a person who was born to participate in important energy processes on Earth closes himself and his gift. Thus, he closes his paths and roads, because if you have a healing gift, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO REFUSE IT! Otherwise, you will inevitably face problems, bad luck, and demons and lower energies will begin to take you away from your purpose and the reason why you came to Earth in this body, as if poking you into a pile of shit, creating problems in your life, forcing you to suffer, get sick and endure other failures.

The next stages of "initiation" into a healer begin around 18-20, and then 25-27 years old - this is when the desire to study yourself and the world around you arises, in more detail, more deeply. You are "drawn" to visit places of power, temples, various places on planet Earth, where the power and potential of such a healer will open up deeper and stronger. And this is inevitable. If a person "did not feel" these signals (lying to himself, you felt everything), the next stage begins - through pain and torture, that's when people often get "incurable" diseases ... Most often, this is oncology. This is literally the "classic story" of many healers - when doctors look you in the eye and say "you have months / a year or two left to live", and a person feels inside that this is a lie and it will not be like this. And he begins to search, fight, demand answers to his questions. And in this way, through the search for answers for himself, he resurrects the connection with his Soul and Spirit. He begins searching for himself, his true self, for what he actually came to planet Earth for.

But we are not only talking about healers. We are talking about ordinary people who do not need to go so deep into themselves, but at the same time they can also recover from literally any disease. Well, except for severed body parts... although something tells me that a certain, very hidden caste of human beings on planet Earth can do this. But in this case, the connection with your Spirit must be so strong, and the art of managing your energy so strong that in this case we will be talking about managing your heartbeat, cell regeneration, hematopoiesis, and so on with the help of the power of your concentration, mind, consciousness.

So, regarding people who feel that they want to solve their problems, including health problems, once and for all, but at the same time their "karma" is not as "heavy" as that of the above-mentioned people. Why "heavy", you ask? Well guys, it all sounds great... but getting cancer to finally wake up and then having the duty to serve people and heal them all your life is not a big deal. In this case, you can only accept your purpose by loving it... but that is a topic for a separate article. How to "surrender" to your true self, despite the fact that harmful voices in your head advise and insist on "fighting" this purpose and not doing it. These voices are your destructive programs, behind which are demons and other low energies, but let's not talk about that. But this is definitely not the voice of your Soul, because the Soul wants to do what it actually came into this body for. And only following the Path of your healing purpose will open all the doors in life for you and make you a truly happy person with healthy relationships, a beautiful life, good strong health and high financial wealth, if this is important and significant to you.

Why does the concept of "incurable diseases" exist? What kind of phenomenon is this? When a "disease" was created on Earth, but the Creator's wisdom was "not enough" to create something that would help with this disease and cure it forever... there is a discrepancy. This does not exist. What does exist is that we are not given ALL the information. And also, important uncles make very good money by feeding us fast food, sugar and other crap every day, which is advertised on every channel every day a hundred times a day. And then, when such a person already by the age of 35 develops arterial hypertension, diabetes and other "diseases of the modern world", he is offered pills for lifelong therapy and doctors very carefully tell him that this chemical poison in tablet form will need to be taken every day so that these diseases do not progress.

And thus, when we talk about the topic of healing from diseases, in the modern world there are a number of approaches. Some are more popular, some are less so. Let's look at them.
The first is mass, the simplest, most accessible, primitive, cheap and, of course, the most destructive. For example, this is what MASSIVE advertising that zombifies and stupefies us advises - drink a packet of a mixture based on paracetamol and your flu will be cured. Has anyone's cold gone away from taking paracetamol? Well, in the best case - a person believes in this so strongly that the next morning his cold symptoms really do go away. This happens largely because a person, feeling bad, stops eating, drinks a cup of a hot drink, wraps himself in a blanket and at night, having sweated well, recovers by the morning. Let's conduct an experiment. Do the same thing, but instead of a packet of poison, squeeze the juice of one lemon into this glass of hot water. The result will surprise and delight you. I am not even mentioning the repeatedly proven harm of paracetamol, which is sold at every step [1]. In addition, the reaction of increasing body temperature is the only normal state in which the human immune system can kill viruses/bacteria that have entered and multiplied in your body. And it is these viruses and/or bacteria that have entered your body that provoke the reaction of a cold and disease. That is, the main task is to destroy the virus/bacteria that causes the disease. Mass advertising suggests that we immediately lower the temperature so that you “feel better” (well, how - they cover your “pain” so that you feel better in the moment). But no one in this case talks about the long-term prospects of such “treatment”, such “closing of pain”, which very often becomes a severe course of this kind of cold or its flow into a protracted or even chronic form.

The second is more conscious, natural, organic. Many healers work in the plane of the body. And they are absolutely logical and, from my point of view, correct when talking about things like:
- in case of a cold, it is better to completely stop eating food for hours/days (everything is individual) in order to activate cleansing and immunostimulating processes in the body (in principle, our body naturally pushes us to do this in case of illness. We simply stop wanting to eat. The body literally screams at you about its needs. What kind of "chicken soups" can there be (especially if this chicken is not organic, and it itself is basically a bouquet of hormones and antibiotics ... this has essentially nothing to do with healing from a cold. You are simply overloading your body with additional factors that aggravate the course of the disease and the body, in addition to the raging virus/bacteria, also needs to cope with a decoction of carrion, seasoned with antibiotics/hormones, which were used to grow this chicken not in a year, but in a month. But who talks about all this? After all, neither people, selling paracetamol, nor people raising chickens, nor people who take money for advertising chickens and paracetamol.

The natural approach is very good, it is true, but, alas, naturalists do not take into account the factor that everything around is an ideally organized matrix of existence, and we are Souls who came to Earth to comprehend experiments. And these are not empty phrases. Scientists who have specifically studied these issues have studied the facts that after death a person suddenly becomes a little lighter (they have admitted that it is as if the Soul flies out of the body[2]. To be honest, this approach does not resonate with me much. Or they conducted experiments with dying people who were already really strongly connected with their Soul, were very adequate, included, conscious. I see this in all my clients, I see this in people I meet on the streets... often a person's Soul wanders very far from the body in the astral darkness. At the same time, the human body is occupied with anything but the person himself, his Soul and true nature... Therefore, when dying, there is unlikely to be anything to "fly out" directly from the body. This is to be honest. But! These are just my thoughts and observations, which I share in my text. I can be wrong. By the way, yes, I can be wrong on any of the points of this book. Like any other person. And this is great. Does this text resonate with you at this stage of life, and you use it for your own benefit and for the sake of your development or not. There is no truth, no truth either. Only concepts. And as we grow and develop, we join certain concepts of different levels or create our own.

Let's get back to our cold. No, not ours. Because I admit that most people reading this book have gone even higher than the representatives of the natural approach and have noticed the psychosomatic causes and prerequisites for the onset of a cold. I would call this approach psychosomatic. Not everyone knows what it is.

Explaining this topic to them, I remember myself many years ago, when I had an unreasonable allergy for several months and no one could help me with this issue. I went to a very experienced immunologist, who understood diseases not only as a classical doctor, but also as a specialist in the field of psychosomatics. She began to tell me about the PSYCHOLOGICAL causes of my itchy skin. I will be honest - I listened and thought "what nonsense" ... and only after years of studying this issue and looking at the situations of my clients, I saw that there is nothing accidental in our life. Everything is logical, everything is literally saturated with cause-and-effect relationships. This applies to everything - relationships, money, health. And psychosomatics is nothing more than the science of studying the cause-and-effect relationships of the way we think, our outlook on life, how we feel/see/perceive ourselves and the world around us and HOW IT AFFECTS OUR HEALTH. And it affects it in 100% of cases, whether we want it or not. This has been proven many times and shown in examples of people and this is no longer in doubt.

So, what does psychosomatics say in the case of a cold. To be honest, I did not really delve into it, other methods are closer to me, although the psychosomatic approach really works in many cases... the question is how effective it is and whether it can help completely and forever. If you want, search for this information on Google. The most famous author on this topic is probably Louise Hay. Perhaps you can search for her works, and they will inspire you to do something[3].

I am inspired and like the cross-section of the Soul and Spirit, and the experience of the Soul, which it comprehends in this body. In fact, in the end, everything, absolutely everything in your reality - both "bad" and "good", absolutely all cause-and-effect relationships in your reality come down to the fact that your Soul came once again in another incarnation to planet Earth to comprehend certain experiences. In general, if you look at it the way everything actually works, as such, time and space simply do not exist. This is how the matrix of existence is shown to us, people, to our human brains. But, as is known from the laws and approaches of quantum physics, the system changes under the gaze of the observer. And so it is, and this is one of the most important laws and principles of the structure of our matrix of existence. The system changes depending on the gaze of the observer. This law is very important to remember when egregors, entities, demons and other subsettlements and connections begin to "shake you apart". By and large, they have no other mechanisms of influence on your life, except through the suggestion of certain false thoughts / emotions / states. A thought or emotional experience can be so strong that it kind of “knocks” you out of yourself, knocks you out of balance and emotional stability. You begin to think hard / be afraid / get angry about the topic of the thought suggested, imperceptibly for you, placed in your consciousness by one or another destructive introduction. And whose thoughts are in your head? Have you never thought? Is there purity in your head that helps you directly connect with your Soul and Spirit, and through them - with your Gods and your Creator, or is it chaos, a mix, a salad of thoughts, experiences, worries and a feeling of endless anxiety that push you to literally “think” thoughts that are harmful to you. Today you thought about what you are afraid of, and tomorrow what you were so afraid of came into your reality. Yesterday you thought about wealth and prosperity, not allowing the destructive effects of lack of money to knock you out of yourself and your balance - today you will receive a good amount of money. And so always and in everything. The theme of mastering your thought flow and going through this theme makes you the Creator of your reality, who Creates his tomorrow, and does not wake up with a dual feeling of fear and anxiety, because he does not know what "the coming day has in store for him". No, on the one hand, we live in a very wonderful matrix of existence, full of beautiful and unusual events every day. Moreover, when we set this or that goal for our subconscious / superconscious / Soul, in fact in the real world we cannot know how exactly it will be achieved.

Many experts in the field of reality programming have spoken and written about this. You wanted something from the Soul, from the very depths of your heart, you told the Universe that this is your will and you really want it. If there is a unity of desire of the body / brain / Soul / spirit, everything in a single impulse seemed to desire it, the Universe, so to speak, puts a green check mark and says "yes, I see, the desire is true and will benefit the development of your Soul, it is accepted for implementation."

Now imagine the ratio of your brain and what it knows / can do today and the endless resources of the matrix of our existence and the Universe as a whole. Can you imagine what a huge number of opportunities there are? An endless abundance of resources, opportunities, the same money ... but why can't we get everything at once, if everything is so fabulous and abundant? Yes, because for the Soul it is important not to make you a millionaire, but to gain the corresponding experience. Even sometimes "through thorns to the stars."

Because your Soul essentially does not care whether you have a million or zero in your pocket. Either something hurts you or not. Experience is important to her and Souls do not always come to Earth to receive a pure and painless experience. For example, someone is born with severe congenital pathologies, someone leaves serious diseases at a fairly young age. And this is also an experience. It is not the result that is important, but the process and experience. For example, for the same person who died at a fairly young age from a slowly developing disease, perhaps it was a lesson to learn to love yourself and life, no matter what, savoring the last moments and minutes of life. Or people who die, voluntarily going to war. After all, they subconsciously understood that their end would come there. And nevertheless, they chose it. Perhaps, for the experience of the Soul, it was necessary to “fill” this cell of participation in military actions, to realize certain information, to integrate certain states, to “put a tick in the record book” of the Soul, so that in the next incarnations this experience would not be repeated.

For an unprepared person, all this may seem strange and incomprehensible, but this is how it is and this is how the Universe works. Please, take the following recommendation seriously. There are two books that I advise you to read. The first one - I recommend it very strongly and unconditionally - is Steve Rother "Spiritual Psychology: 12 Essential Life Lessons" [4]. I will say honestly, I have not come across better quality literature on the subject of the structure of man, the matrix and existence in general. If you read it, I assure you, you will find answers to A LOT OF YOUR QUESTIONS. The second book is Michael Newton "Journey of Souls", where he, among other things, describes how professional regressologists conducted experiments. A person was immersed in hypnosis, where he moved into his "past lives", he described everything in detail. He described what he simply could not know. Then this data was rechecked, compared with data from archives, libraries, surveys of people and it was always confirmed. Why did I write "past lives"? Because they are "past" or "future" only for our human brain. For the Universe, there is no time. There is simply EVERYTHING. It exists simultaneously. We simply move with our body/consciousness/intention and, depending on the level of access provided by the Higher Forces, we can only be in this body at the moment here and now, or as we grow, develop and receive access keys, doors open for us into the multidimensional space of being of everything that exists and we can travel in time and space with our focus of attention, as if with the help of a kind of energy elevator. I repeat, this is "time" and "space" for our brain, for the Universe everything simply always exists simultaneously. By reviewing “past lives”, we can carry out healing, change the decisions made “then”, re-evaluate the experience, as a result of which our existence here and now will be improved, because the corresponding “karma” of the destructive decision made then will be healed. We move the focus of attention “into the past”, review the experience that was received then and the decisions that were made then and, subsequently, according to the program of the Soul, it as if “transferred” the consequences of the actions committed “then” to the moment here and now, and you must “work off” your karma. And you will work it off until you realize those “mistakes” that went against the existing laws of the Universe, and affect you to this day through your, one or another, destructive way of thinking and/or perceiving the world.

Moreover, what may be “normal” for one person and he can act like this all his life and, roughly speaking, even earn money from it and “live well”, for another person even one such act will certainly result in some negative and unpleasant consequences in real life. Because, according to the Soul Plan for this incarnation, one can, but the other categorically cannot. Therefore, it is so important to study YOURSELF, turning the focus of attention inward, observing yourself and your reactions, studying personal characteristics of interaction with the outside world.

This is just a small touch on the topic of the Soul. But I will say one thing. You can endlessly drink paracetamol, you can starve, you can go into psychosomatics, but until you understand what the Soul wants to tell you through the creation of certain situations in your life, everything else will be futile and ineffective. And, most importantly, you will never have a vision of the most complete picture of what is happening to you. I will say honestly, being humans, we will never be able to see the full picture, even with the most mind-expanding methods and drugs or in the most powerful meditations. This is the topic of access level. And even the most "enlightened" person has limits on access to the awareness of Universal processes, simply because he is a HUMAN and it is precisely this fact that imposes these prohibitions and limits. Someone sees more, someone less, but we all see only separate fragments and pieces of the puzzle, someone at a higher level, someone not so high, but the whole picture is not fully available to us. Our human brain would simply explode, our software simply cannot withstand this. Therefore, we are content with what access is provided.
Thus, any miracle is possible. The question is how deeply are you ready to go into the topic of self-knowledge, establishing a connection and unity with your Spirit and Soul, deep “reflashing” of yourself in order to get rid of those factors that hinder you forever and at all levels, which do not allow you to be your true and real self. But having gone through this, you will find the life of your dreams, inner balance, harmony and happiness in being yourself.


[1] Shifman Ye. M., Yershow A. L. Paracetamol: Therapeutic Use and the Problem of Acute Intoxications
[2] Weighing Human Souls – The 21 Grams Theory // Weighing Human Souls - The 21 Grams Theory - Historic Mysteries
[3] Books by Louise L. Hay //
[4] Spiritual Psychology: The Twelve Primary Life Lessons // Spiritual Psychology: The Twelve Primary Life Lessons