No, seriously. You do understand that all these "quick wishes" from the category "how to become a millionaire", "how to get rich quickly", "how to win the lottery", "how to get rich quickly" and the like (how to get married; how to make a rich man fall in love with you, how to make a man obsessed with you etc.) are games (often childish and manipulative), which people get involved in when they have not yet grown up and, despite the age of 20-30-40 years, are still children at heart.

You will not become a millionaire in a day (except for very rare and exceptional cases, but those lucky ones certainly do not get such chances because they searched for an answer on Google).

Everything in the world is a cause-and-effect relationship, and the law of balance "give - receive" always and invariably operates. You get the amount of money that you have given to the world. The richest and most successful corporations are always and irreversibly connected with the fact that they GIVE BENEFITS TO PEOPLE. Enormous benefits to people! And the most successful do it through scale. High-quality Apple technology is respected all over the world. Because it is really QUALITY! And it brings great BENEFIT to PEOPLE!

After all, money is a matter created by people. It is earthly, human energy. You will not get money in any other way than through interaction with a large number of people. Moreover, it is not necessary to establish direct contact. For example, I know a lot of people (especially artists, composers and other creators) who do not interact with people directly. But, for example, other people help them realize the results of their creation and the creator, in turn, receive a decent payment for their unique work.

I would say that uniqueness is the main thing. You can, of course, achieve success by offering people what someone else is already offering, but, roughly speaking, you cannot build an empire on this.

A truly high and fair payment for creativity (I am now talking about representatives of the world of creation and creation of the new, because I am like that myself and I live in these energies) is always something innovative and new. The most successful brands were once invented by someone for the first time AND THEY OFFERED THE WORLD SOMETHING THAT NO ONE HAD OFFERED BEFORE THEM. And this is, perhaps, the most important criterion for the success of market leaders. For the first time and something that brings REAL and MAXIMUM benefit to people.

This is if you are honest, serious and responsible. I know that many people who read this article will not be ready to perceive this information. I was in your place and believed in "pink unicorns", "a prince on a white horse" who would appear out of nowhere and envelop me in his love and so on. In psychology, this is simply called - infantilism. Study this point, you will like it. Yes, it will tear apart your old paradigm and ego-picture of the world, but if you feel the potential of a millionaire in yourself, and there are pennies in your pocket, then, obviously, you are doing something wrong and clearly not enough. Search, study, develop and you will definitely achieve your REAL financial goals. Step by step, as you are personally ready and following your Purpose, why your Soul REALLY came into this body on planet Earth.

Why am I writing about Purpose in this context? Because when you start doing what your Soul REALLY came to Earth for, you stop conflicting with the Universe / God / Higher Powers and the World, instead of constantly showing you and highlighting "wake up, you're going the wrong way", creating problems and obstacles for you, begins to support you, help you and as if an invisible Force begins to lead you on the path to your success. To do this, you need to go through A LOT of preliminary cleansing of yourself from the false, beliefs, implants and illusions that are not you. This is the topic of personal growth, revealing your energy and comprehending the best version of yourself. But I know that you can do it!


I have the gift of seeing, conducting energy and transmitting information from the Souls of people in words. I read the past, options for the development of the future, everything about you as much as your Soul allows.

Up to dates, events, finding the true root causes of your destructive states and completely healing them at all levels and forever (if there is your will and permission of the Soul).

Complete diagnosis of the state of your bioenergy structure, “scanning” and viewing of internal organs and health status