On Earth, since time immemorial, there has been a struggle between the dark and light forces. Everything that is shown in superhero movies and other science fiction films is not a lie. Do you know why? Because according to the original contract, the dark ones are obliged to report their plans

Do you think it was in vain that we were shown films about the "large-scale v*r*s" that took place all over planet Earth and then these "vac*ine" were needed? Or about artificial intelligence taking over its own mind and starting to destroy humanity? And have you ever been bothered by the fact that in recent decades the main theme of TV shows has been something "simple", funny and, frankly, stupid? And the fact that Western music and films, which were actively introduced throughout Europe and are now trying to move to the East (for example, in the Philippines there is already a strong cult of US greatness) - are always something connected with dramatic love, alcohol, sex, jealousy, breakups and the like?

Have you opened the largest social network, I won't say which one... What does it show in "recommendations"? That's right, like someone was beaten up "5 minutes to death" etc... why is this destructive crap everywhere in the modern world? You don't even want to see it, but it really oozes out of every crack.

This is the so-called black matrix of existence, behind which stand specific earthly forces, on the subtle plane - demons, entities and other low energies, and higher up the hierarchy - Lucifer/devil/Yahweh/Seth... Call it what you want.

Do you know what is specific about these energies? They despise everything spiritual, human, they are afraid of the Divine Light, but at the same time they want it madly. Because it is the only source of energy everywhere and always. It is not for nothing that they say that Lucifer was originally an angel. To some extent, it was so.

Everything was originally created by the Creator, but then everything went wrong... and there have already been a huge number of times when everything on Earth was burned to the ground. How?

The explosion of the Sun and through a huge gift and radiation everything was destroyed to the ground. The civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis are there too. But that was a long time ago, and what about now?

Christianity, the campaigns of Christ and the burning of "witches", the persecution of white magicians. And the last decades are the agony of the blacks.

They have done everything to stop the awakening on Earth - c*v*d vacc*nation, dulling shows and black, meaningless, inspiring programs of destructive music and cheap movies. They are trying to wean people off reading books, listening to classical music, doing everything to make a person degrade.

So, the black ones are afraid of the Divine Light DIRECTLY! It burns them! Therefore, they DO EVERYTHING TO INCLINE BRIGHT SOULS TO SELF-DESTRUCTION, and so that the bright souls who are connected to the Source go down the "black path" and begin to feed them with their Divine energy! Symptoms of involvement in the black matrix of existence - detachment from the Earth and nature, the desire to eat fast food and unhealthy food, meat, listen to pop music and watch primitive films, lack of desire to learn and develop, cigarettes, substances, alcohol, escort, parties, laziness, lack of desire to create, develop and there is no inspiration and ease, money must be earned through pain and effort.

Characteristics of a light form of life: the desire to be as close to nature as possible, surround yourself with plants, animals, stones, natural essential oils, listen to classical music and watch meaningful films, read deep literature, do not eat meat and cleanse your body, drink clean water and periodically visit mountains / waterfalls; inspiration, endless ideas on how to create money in your life through ease and love for what you do; lack of drama and negative emotions, you live every day in ease, pleasure and love; great activity, desire to act and never do anything that contradicts your inner principles, conscience, inner support.

I constantly meet BRIGHT SOULS, angels in the bodies of people, which I am myself. And I know from my own experience how the black matrix of existence does everything to lead a bright Soul away from its purpose.

Most often they come with an offer of quick money, black contracts, for which a person sells his endless energy of light, goodness and love.

The heart of such an angel closes, increasingly becoming overgrown with black energies. Often very sensitive people get hooked on s*gar*ts, alk*g*l, because NOT KNOWING WHO THEY REALLY ARE, they are led by these offers of the black matrix of existence, go for quick money and false easy pleasures and lose themselves.

Which side are you on?


I have the gift of seeing, conducting energy and transmitting information from the Souls of people in words. I read the past, options for the development of the future, everything about you as much as your Soul allows.

Up to dates, events, finding the true root causes of your destructive states and completely healing them at all levels and forever (if there is your will and permission of the Soul).

Complete diagnosis of the state of your bioenergy structure, “scanning” and viewing of internal organs and health status