Long distance relationships can be very painful for both or one of the participants in these relationships. Or they can become a source of daily joy, inspiration and true love!

Having a long-distance relationship (if we are talking about true love with serious long-term intentions) first of all it is important to understand - YOU LOVE! YOU! LOVE! Not to show, prove or demonstrate something to someone. You love for yourself, not for your partner. Of course, you miss him/her, you want to see the person infinitely and sooner, but that is how things work out. The Universe has its own plans for you and your relationship.

So since temporary stay at a distance is inevitable, take care of yourself and your energy, development and creation of yourself! In general, you have no other choice. And this is not accidental. It means that this is how it should happen according to your Soul Contract. You are going through some lessons separately at the moment, so that later, after some time, you can meet, meet in a new state and your relationship will exist on a new, higher quality level, because you will both be different.

And devote the feelings that you feel to yourself first of all. It is very important not to destroy yourself, to shift the focus of attention to yourself and your development. For as they say, we come to Earth in this body alone, and we will die alone. What you feel is love, joy and inspiration that belongs to you and it is FOR YOU. Therefore, yes, it may seem difficult that the person about whom you feel all this is not nearby and he/she cannot “appropriately appreciate” your feelings, you cannot express them physically, give the person that portion of care, warmth, affection and love that you would like to give and in return receive his unique, specific, so warm, desired and important for you energy.

Guys, but I want to once again emphasize that these are YOUR FEELINGS! You love! It is so pleasant and comfortable for you that you feel this! And, of course, you will forgive me, but you will need to switch the focus of attention to yourself! While your partner is not nearby and physically you cannot be together. Otherwise you will go crazy. Do you know why? Because our energy flows behind the focus of our attention and if you constantly, every minute think about your partner, worry, imagine and interest him and what he is doing there, it will be unbearably hard for you and in a few days/weeks you will be so tired that energy exhaustion, fatigue may begin, and then - a high risk of misunderstandings, even conflicts with the same partner and other people.

The point is that the focus of your attention is constantly not on you, but on that person. This is a problem in general, not only when you are in a long-distance relationship. But this is more a topic of dependence and codependent relationships, which I write about in my other articles.

So, the focus of your attention is constantly THERE, and not in you. Your life energy flows THERE. You cannot sleep, eat, or do your own thing normally. You prioritize that person, not yourself, your life, and your own things. Yes, it is important to coordinate your actions, choices, and decisions with another person when you are in love and in a couple, but this does not mean that you should forget yourself, ignore your PERSONAL interests, needs, affairs, YOUR LIFE as a whole because you entered into a relationship. Otherwise, this relationship will sooner or later end painfully.

So what can you do? Learn to keep the focus of your attention in yourself! In your body! No matter what! No matter whether you love or not, whether you are alone or with friends, whether you are eating, relaxing or working. In this way, the focus of your attention will be in you, and not in thoughts, worries, suffering about the past or expectation of the future (the past will never return, and no one knows what the future will be like). So why not live THIS MOMENT HERE AND NOW 1000%? And I say this with 1000% responsibility for my words.

If AT THIS STAGE your loved one is not with you, but at a distance, then this is the choice of his Soul and your Soul and this is how it should be. There is no need to “force” the Universe and the way everything is arranged! At the right and important moment you will be physically again, if this is the will of your Souls! And if not, and this person is not destined for you by fate - no matter how much you dance with a tambourine, go to temples, or perform rituals - nothing will work.

By the way, I draw your attention right away, if you resort to various manipulative, psychological, including NLP, magical and other methods that are aimed at making a person fall in love with you, you will be severely punished for this after some time and your life will be destroyed. You will NEVER build happiness and good relationships on manipulation. Never! According to the law of cause and effect and karma, you will be harshly punished by the Universe, and the person towards whom you will use these methods, you will temporarily or completely ruin the life of. Usually, those towards whom "love spells", suggestions and manipulations were done end up with alcoholism or other addictions. Knowing this, will you decide to do this towards your "beloved" person?

But I will tell you a secret, if you have a desire to manipulate in any way - there is no love in you. At all. There is a lot of fear of losing in you, but there is no love at all.

And yes, all of the above applies to the case when you are TEMPORARILY at a distance and you know that soon, after some time, you will definitely be together and this is only a temporary phenomenon. If you know for sure that you will never be able to be together physically with this person, but at the same time maintain this relationship, sorry, but this is psychiatry. Okay, I will not be rude. You naturally have a connection between souls. And it is VERY STRONG, if everything happens like this. But in fact, your contact is not about love, but about something that lies behind it. And you just need to look through a session with a good specialist who can read Souls, see what the lesson of your Soul is, realize this and let this person go. Otherwise, sooner or later this situation will lead to great pain, loss and drama. Through energy healing of yourself, you can come to inner harmony, stability and inner happiness. Energy healing is very effective in finding answers to these questions.

One way or another, your life is only your game. Regardless of the presence or absence of other people in it. And only you are responsible for what happens to you in your life. Only you, and no one else, including your partner, are responsible for what happens in your life, how you feel and whether you live in drama or in love. Therefore, focus on yourself! Fill yourself, live yourself, love yourself! And everything else will work out on its own if you allow life to flow and events to form naturally without your painful fear and control of loss.



I have the gift of seeing, conducting energy and transmitting information from the Souls of people in words. I read the past, options for the development of the future, everything about you as much as your Soul allows.

Up to dates, events, finding the true root causes of your destructive states and completely healing them at all levels and forever (if there is your will and permission of the Soul).

Complete diagnosis of the state of your bioenergy structure, “scanning” and viewing of internal organs and health status