By the way, what is at the origin of the distorted flow of heart energy? No matter how many people are tired of this topic and no matter how much we have already “worked through” this topic, this is the topic of parent-child relationships. And if you have already dealt with this topic, but reading this text you have a reaction “again? How much longer can you delve into this topic?” ... Well, if you have such a reaction, it means that you have not yet healed your deep inner relationship with your parents. And what is at the basis of this complete healing? I will give my thoughts on this topic and my feelings (because I am not a “professional psychologist” and will not retell you psychology textbooks).
Since childhood, we have been involved in a huge number of traumas, grievances and misunderstandings regarding our parents. Because we spent the most time with them and the child had the highest expectations from them. Well, how else? After all, they are naturally the closest people to us on Earth. This is provided by nature, genes, the essence of our avatars on Earth. The greatest energetic connection is with them, as well as with other members of the Family. Why? Because 100% of your cells, DNA, who you are is totally and completely the legacy of your parents and ancestors. There is no other genetic information in you except the information passed on by your parents/ancestors. You can deny, resent and resist. But it is so. Even if your parents did not pay attention to you in childhood. Even if they offended you very much... even if, even if, even if...
It is very strange to hear during consultations phrases of people who say "I don't have parents" (or one of them) - for example, if they grew up in an orphanage or one of their parents abandoned them in early childhood. Alas, but it does not work that way. Yes, such a state of affairs is very painful for our psyche, ego and our wounded childhood part.
It is painful, incomprehensible... And a huge feeling of universal injustice "and why exactly did they do this to me?" We will not consider here deep karmic moments and cause-and-effect relationships (I will reveal a little secret - nothing is accidental and if your parents are *losers, then most likely you were very *lucky* in past lives... But this is a separate conversation and a completely different story, which, perhaps, is better to analyze in individual consultations, so as not to reveal individual sensitive traumas of people reading this text here and now. Because everyone has their own separate story. And all stories are very different with their own solutions and answers. I will only say one thing... In the Universe, everything is fair, even in the most, it would seem, unfair moments (it's just that the answer to "why" can often lie in such deep layers of our shadow that not everyone is ready to desperately go into this and be honest with themselves).
So what is important to do and what to pay attention to when it comes to healing the heart? Both physical and energetic (and these moments are completely and totally connected). First of all, you should pay attention to the fact of surrendering to yourself, your feelings and your true emotions. Are you happy? Every day you wake up with a smile on your face, inspired to get up and live this day joyfully and actively? Or you don’t want to get up and you feel apathy, depression, and some people even have no desire to live. Yes, this happens.
Let's pay attention to the situation in the world. According to official data, in Iceland, every 161 out of a thousand people are on antidepressants, that is, approximately every sixth. The island state is followed by Portugal, Canada and Australia - there the figures were 139, 130 and 122 people, respectively. The United States is only in fifth place in the rankings — 110 people per thousand residents use antidepressants. Sweden follows behind (109 people). Great Britain is in seventh place with 108 people. It must be admitted that the numbers are really high. And, apparently, this is not just happening. And what is especially sad is the fact that such a situation is considered by modern society as a relative norm. I personally was in the United States several years ago and saw a billboard with the inscription “Have you taken your morning dose of antidepressants yet?” Back then, there was no talk of healing, energy, and so on. But even then, this information seemed strange to me “why is it like this here and is such a formulation of the question considered normal? Why don’t people look for other ways to become happier?” Let’s return to the main topic and the “imperfections” of modern life. Perhaps, most people find themselves in a situation where certain external factors, as well as their internal state, are far from ideal and far from harmony, peace, inner happiness and a state of self-love and true enjoyment of life. Alas, we are taught the most complex geometric and physical formulas at school, but we are not taught the main thing - how to live this life. And it turns out that most people are deeply unhappy. Someone lives like this all their lives and convinces themselves that "everything is fine", finding at least some outlet in travel, friends, parties, and someone even in worse phenomena - like the same antidepressants, alcohol and other similar things. Are people to blame for this? Of course not. Is it possible to get out of this state? Of course it is! Is it possible for everyone? I admit that yes, for everyone, but with a great desire - for some it will be easier, for others it will be more difficult. But everyone can get out. Is there much to learn and understand (first of all, deeply understand and know yourself) – of course, YES! Do most people want to learn and know themselves? I don’t know, but the fact remains – today more and more people are delving into the topics of self-development, self-knowledge. And this is not esotericism, this is not something spiritual. It simply means devoting some time in your life to learning about yourself and how this world works. Because this is the most important, unique and valuable knowledge in fact – how you work, how the world around you works. How energy flows, how life happens. And now I’m not talking about politics, sociology or jurisprudence. But more about the body, psyche and soul… because everything starts with us and, having mastered yourself and your energy (let’s say, having tamed your inner demons), you become able to consciously, balanced and from a state of confidence, peace and mastery of your emotional state interact with the outside world.