New Time Relationships Built on Love. How Teacher Relationships Differ from a True Union with Your Person in Love. How to Build Relationships from Love. Why There May Be Many Conflicts in the First Stages of Building a Relationship with Your True Partner (Twin Flame) and How It Differs from Simulator Partners

Jealousy is an unproductive feeling. What does it mean? And when you are jealous, ask yourself - why? What is the ultimate goal and what result do you want to achieve. This is especially true when you directly tell your partner about it and especially arrange "scenes of jealousy". First of all, ask yourself "why?" And find the hidden motivation.

Because the "healthy" part of you, most likely, realizes that this will not have a productive effect on your relationship and if it does not destroy it, then, at a minimum, it will bring a certain discomfort and an unpleasant aftertaste that will "hang in the air" for a long period of time. Such is the specificity of human relationships (unless, of course, you have special techniques for clearing the space in a couple). The point is that jealousy, like any other conflict that flares up in a couple, burns both. Yes, we are all endowed with the ability to forgive and the lesson of unconditional love is to choose Love no matter what and melt/dissolve with it all that is false and conflicting that periodically arises in a couple. And what arises? Clashes of various manifestations of the ego of both.

This includes various interests that may contradict each other and pride in defending these interests. And the problem of each is not in the specifics of these interests (when you are in love, it is always easy to find a compromise and come to an agreement). Problems arise when people develop pride in relation to certain qualities, views and interests... That is, people identify themselves with certain qualities, choices, principles and states...

For example, one person likes green, and the other likes red... They start doing renovations and then the question arises - what furniture to buy. One wants green, and the other - red. And then an argument breaks out. A war, by and large, but at the level of a couple. Of varying degrees of conflict. And the conflict will be as deep as each of the couple, through their ego and pride, IDENTIFIES THEMSELVES with the choice of this or that "favorite" color. In the case of pride, we perceive some part of our personality/ego as the only correct one and "it can only be this way." So this is a clear example with colors and renovations...

And how many such identifications with the unimportant do we experience during the day? Even outside of a couple. And often such views, tastes and beliefs are not consciously chosen by a person, but are dictated by some external extraneous factors - this is how they were brought up, this is how it is accepted in this state / social group. As a result, we often begin to perceive something extraneous and artificial as a part of ourselves, and then even militantly defend it. I immediately recall the absurd, suggested and far-fetched reason through which states introduced the program "divide and rule" in my family in particular. Half of my relatives are from Russia, half from Ukraine ... I can not continue ...

We quarreled, parents abandoned children, brothers from sisters .... The most interesting thing is that some members of my family desperately supported one country all their lives, fighting with opponents. Now they are "broken" and they have gone over to the other side, desperately hating the first. Funny? Well, there is such a thing. The program of division and destruction of clans in action - yes. Who benefits from this? Well, those who are behind these processes benefit from it. The basis is - divide and rule. It's just a pity that people who are emotionally involved in this become slaves and it is impossible to show the truth there, their minds are too captured by pride and the desire to protect what, in fact, is not even a part of them. People and human energy are used as pathetic pawns and meat for mincemeat, and they themselves protect it, destroying the most valuable thing - the backbone and unity of the clan system and its support.

And yes, here is another point - the program of division in general is very characteristic of my clan system in particular, as well as many others ... Resentment, betrayal, omissions, aggression, and jealousy there - through the inability to communicate and speak out, all this turns into a tool for the destruction of families. Again, why – because people do not choose LOVE and HEARTFEELING, but identify themselves with a million programs in their brain and begin to live these programs instead of choosing LOVE. And love with its warmth drowns everything, erases any program... But what is important to do for this? Surrender your ego and pride on any issue, surrender and choose YOURSELF! Yes, you read it correctly. Your demons will endlessly whisper to you that: choosing a tough position, proving your case, being the first, catching your partner in treason or something like that – this is you choosing yourself and you need to defend it, show it in the outside world and also firmly insist on your own. But this is just the specificity of such rather heavy energies that have falsely ruled the Earth for centuries, and now the time has come to expose all this and show the truth.
We have ALREADY entered the era of life from the Heart and Love. And there is no way back. The process is irreversible. You will either learn the new rules of the Game, where the guide is your Heart, Trust in the Universe and the Higher Plan and Love, or... or you can simply go crazy, because it will seem to you that "everything is against you" and "nothing works out"... No, it is not so... it is just that new software is being downloaded to us all now and new rules of the Game are being established. It is just that the old rules no longer work and will not work in this dimension and in this century (at least)
And it is simply impossible to fight a million of these programs that destroy unions, families and relationships between people. You dig out one weed, and ten new ones will appear in its place. Therefore, “working through” programs is useful, it is good, but it is like a wheel that a squirrel gets into and cannot find a way out. What is the alternative? Every day, in every situation, choose not external factors and (what is most painful) not your ego, pride and beliefs that you received “before” ... But surrender to your feelings in the heart. In other words, choose not based on the voices in your head, but based on the feelings in your heart. In every situation. Every day. And this applies to all processes - not only personal relationships, but everything in your life. This is the only guarantee of security, success and prosperity in the New World. The Age of Aquarius, the era of life through the heart, and not outdated ego programs has already arrived. Yes, these are invisible processes and most people are still in the veil of such a sweet and deceptive old matrix of existence (this is not a joke, our way of life is really completely changing at all levels and the old rules of life are changing) ... All this is already collapsing and melting. And the "engine" of most people - to take possession, to get a benefit, to prove, to win and so on - is gradually dying.

Pioneers and souls who have already awakened, have gone through / are going through the death of these programs in themselves - as particles of personality die and it is painful. But the world around shows that in the conditions of the new time, these approaches no longer work. Previously, the approaches of "deceive in order to get", "betray yourself in order to get money", "lie in a relationship in order to hide some facts that can seem to hurt a partner" and much more could work in your life ....
But all this no longer works for awakened souls. Any kind of lie, concealment, betrayal, desire to get for the sake of benefit, and not to get by giving benefit to other people - all this immediately comes to the surface, becomes noticeable and returns to you as a boomerang of troubles and uncomfortable situations for you. It does not work like this anymore and will never work in the earthly dimension (at least in this century). This is what awakened souls are beginning to see and realize... soon it will fall like an avalanche on EVERYONE and imagine what chaos can begin if the "average people" do not learn the new rules of the Game on Earth right now. The Matrix is ​​changing a lot and is being cleansed. The engine of the system has ALREADY changed. And only those who choose truth and Love will survive and be protected by the Earth, the rest will be burned out like cancerous tumors (simply because their vibrational frequency will not correspond to the new vibrations on Earth) ...

It’s not that they will be burned out, they will destroy themselves through illness, subconsciously creating problems for themselves and leaving life SUBCONSCIOUSLY – not necessarily through suicide, but most likely through a SUBCONSCIOUS choice to end life early and the activation of a self-destruction program through accidents, serious illnesses, and so on. They simply will not be able to “bear” all that pain of ego death, it will be very painful to identify with a million subconscious destructive programs and many will choose “to stand their ground anyway”... From the category “and let the whole world burn, but I will not back down from my beliefs”... Well, as you wish, your choice... But if these beliefs do not correspond to the new vibrational frequency of the Earth, then all their carriers will simply disconnect from the Earth's nutrition... And here there are two options - either leaving the body, or completely rejecting Life and switching to nutrition by demonic low structures - and their modern manifestation - artificial intelligence, antidepressants, plastic food, lifelong therapies with pharmacological drugs and other attributes of a plastic world devoid of cordiality and love, devoid of LIFE. And bots (biorobots) in such a mode will, of course, be able to survive... They can eat low-quality plastic food from budget markets every day, not think about the quality of drinking water and drink sweet sodas, bad habits, toxic emotions and much more - they are fine. In principle, they are already not much different from robots, this is their essence.

But Souls cannot do this and the processes of awakening and transformation (and in fact resurrection, restoration of a true connection with the Soul) at certain stages can be very sensitive and painful. But this is the only way it can be ... Or - into total and complete slavery to the System. But there is a risk that it will gobble up and spit out when the energy runs out and he becomes just biomaterial. In general (for me personally, but this is everyone's choice) the saddest thing that can happen is to watch how the Soul in the human body, due to a lack of understanding of how everything works, begins to live according to the plastic programs of the world of bots (biorobots) and eat / watch / listen to / read all this garbage created for degradation. The system simply takes it into circulation and turns it into a consumable instead of the Soul turning on, starting to create, develop and create powerful large-scale projects for the benefit of itself, people, the entire Universe. Here is another lesson on freedom - and how long will your will last to get out and all this cotton candy that is scattered at every step in the modern world and is so tempting - just relax, eat everything, drink sugar poison, look and chance poison - you were given all the opportunities, just enjoy it and do not strain yourself. But ... the lesson of the Soul is to wake up or die again in oblivion. And now this lesson is especially active in many.
Okay, let's get back to the topic of jealousy. Although this whole backstory was also important when we talk about the topic of jealousy. Do you know why? Because we received a huge part of false programs and ideas about relationships from the outside world in the form of programs. How? You ask.
And you remember the endless number of films and videos that we, modern generations, have watched since childhood. And remember how many toxic programs were instilled in us through these films / videos and other forms of creativity. Something tells me that 200 years ago, when people did not have access to television, the topic of jealousy was not discussed so actively, and this feeling was not experienced so widely and actively. Well, to be honest, let's remember what toxic and false programs were instilled in us since childhood through all these films and videos (especially Western ones):

- go to a "party", drink alcohol there and have sex with the first person you meet AS IF THIS IS NORMAL;

- if you have some kind of conflict in your relationship and/or your partner has “betrayed” you, you need to find an “outlet” on the side, go to some dubious night spot and sleep with this person, and in the morning feel guilty and like “it’s a pity that time can’t be turned back and I ruined everything myself”... oh yes, of course, all this must first be seasoned with a large portion of alcohol;

- in general, the topic of alcohol (who doesn’t know, read where this word comes from – from Arabic and literally it means “spirit” in a demonic, destructive sense) has permeated the entire modern culture of films/videos… For what? To form an “observation” of the topic that this is normal. So, as a person who has been working as an exorcist and helping people for many years, and also having discussed this issue with many specialists in this field, with 100% responsibility for my words, I can say for sure – there is no drinking alcohol without a low-astral entity clinging to you, and in almost all cases – for several and the following weeks (yes, not days, weeks) they will eat you and you will not fully belong to themselves. There is no place for the Soul in a body that is occupied by alcohol entities. The frequency of these “drinks” is too low and destructive… Why then so actively popularize it everywhere? Degradation is the key to easy control of the masses. And yes, I know that my text can already start to irritate. But it is not you who are angry, but the programs in you. And everything that was revealed before and, if the Soul of the reader gives permission for healing, all the above-mentioned and highlighted destructive programs are removed and healed already now. And all those entities that stood behind them, are sent to their chambers already now. Parasitic entities, which, despite the proclaimed will of the person reading, do not go to their chambers voluntarily, are burned here and now to zero by the white flame of the First Creator of everything that exists at all levels of the bioenergy structure of man for violating the laws of Free Will of man and the fact that the body of this person is exclusively and only for what the soul. Any kind of alien connections, connections to the egregors of alcohol, addictions, including sweets, smoking and other addictions that destroy a person and the contracts behind them are cancelled right now and all the energy of a person stolen by these egregors is returned to him for his highest good in a purified and healed form. Any kind of attempt to connect back to this person of the above entities and egregors automatically burns them to zero immediately and decomposes them to the energy of the First Creation (except for cases when a person himself and consciously decides to return there).

All of the above will work in the case of your sincere desire to free yourself from the Soul, the text of this paragraph can be reread until the result is fully achieved for several days or weeks. And remember - the answer is not the text, but your unconditional and iron will to liberation (although, if you do not idealize and go deeper, in the case of addictions there is always some unsolved need in the background.
We have more or less sorted out the topic of false programs.

Let's get back to motivation. Why are you jealous? If it is a subconscious desire to destroy and end the relationship because you are tired / can't handle it / don't want to take responsibility for the relationship from the position of a small child (as an example), that is one thing. But we are not considering these cases, because there is no love at all here, there is an abundance of childhood trauma and the inability to articulate to your partner your feelings / sensations, what really worries you, what is important in the relationship and what is acceptable and comfortable for you, and what is not. All this is a field for discussion on how two independent people can build a union / family / life, and not run away and hide like a small child who cannot speak. But the person is not to blame for this. Most likely, he had parents who did not know how to speak and listen, who clumsily "shut up" such a child when he tried to say what he wants, what he desires and what his needs are.

It is better to "nip in the bud" any attempts of a small creature to express its opinion than to listen to it, understand its needs, teach the child to express these needs and treat them with respect and love. It all sounds beautiful in theory. And it can happen when both parents or at least one of them is a Soul, not a bot... and also not personally traumatized... But if the parents are a psychological trauma on top of a psychological trauma, then what can we expect from them in terms of upbringing? They themselves grew up in pain / addictions / destruction / misunderstanding of how and why they live and in the conditions of all this internal pain they raised a child... Because first of all, they themselves do not even come close to understanding how and why this life... There is no need to talk about any Love here.

But if we are talking about two more or less conscious people who have a connection with the Soul and Heart, they feel love, but still the topic of jealousy slips through... And one / both partners are uneasy.

Here, first of all, it is important to go into the topic of trust / mistrust. We exclude cases where there have already been precedents of betrayal in a couple, and here a huge question arises ... If you have been betrayed once, there is no guarantee that you will not be betrayed again ... But an even bigger question is - why are you in a couple where there are no guarantees that you will not be betrayed again? But the world is arranged in such a way that no one can ever provide you with any guarantees. We are not in a courtroom and we are not having a hearing. This is life. The life of two living people who are moving in the flow of life. And, in fact, this is somewhere deep down the topic of trust or mistrust ... The topic is multifaceted and with a huge number of options for the development of events.

But let's start, perhaps, not with the "injured" party (in the case of real betrayal), but with the one who decided to cheat on her partner. What happens in this case? There is a person who has chosen another person for life and union. If all this is not very serious for him and it is just teenage pampering, that is one thing (often I call such unions “simulators” - these are the unions in which we meet people who, by and large, are not destined for us by fate and the Universe for life. These are just fleeting and often superficial stories built on psychological trauma. I will immediately note the difference between a “simulator” and a true union. Psychological trauma will “crawl out” everywhere. But only in the case of a simulator, it is the psychological trauma that brings people together, and they choose each other on the basis of trauma. This is also often called “love at first sight” - such a bright, such an emotional, such a flash. As quickly as it flares up, so quickly it dies out.

Often, with an abundance of mutual claims, unresolved issues and grievances. Because the trauma sooner or later takes over and becomes very painful. Although (as if the ego of those reading this text does not prick and does not got sick), pain is never about something external. It's just that your partner, with the help of their specific behavior, directly or indirectly pointed out your trauma to you. And yes - it hurts, it's unpleasant. You can blame your partner, or you can go deep inside yourself - on your own or with a specialist and figure out - what is this situation really about and why did this situation arise in my Universe?

Who and where have energy flow disturbances and how did they manifest themselves in this union? After all, we often build relationships based on what we observed in childhood and how our parents behaved. This all happens unconsciously. Many people come to me for consultations, describe the lives of their parents ... I rightly ask the question "do you understand that your life today is literally a copy of how your parents lived and you UNNOTICEDLY brought / brought yourself into the same picture of the world? People who are more conscious see this right away. People with a stronger ego resist. And only those who have seen in themselves, healed and gone through most psychological traumas are people who are ready and able to build healthy and holistic relationships based on love, and not on trauma, fears and claims.
Let's, perhaps, immediately concentrate on the relationship of two more or less full-fledged and accomplished people. Most likely, they will meet at 30+, having "suffered" a lot of pain, resentment and disappointment in the relationship and, most likely, having already closed their hearts quite a bit.

There is a lot of information about "closed" and "open" hearts everywhere and often experts use different smart words to describe these processes. In the end, everything remains a theory and people do not fully understand what it is like when this heart is open.

Okay, remember yourself when you first fell in love. First and true love. How many emotions there were, how much purity, flow, fire there were! Everyone has their own story - perhaps it was mutual, and perhaps not. But remember the feeling itself - pure, joyful, light, boundless and such a warming love! Without conditions, boundaries and restrictions. The most important thing is without doubts and fears and beliefs built on the brain level that you have “accumulated” during your life. What is the difference between an adult (who has already “experienced life”, suffered and suffered) and this young guy / girl? And the fact that for the first time they love with the HEART, without judging, without asking questions through the brain - how much money does he have, what does he do, are there prospects for our relationship and so on ... This is all so real! There are so many emotions and heart in this! (I am talking about the ideal scenario ... I am not taking into account, for example, societies where parents initially choose a husband / wife for a child at a young age and, for example, there is no right to choose at all ... we are not discussing these difficult forms of human relations here at all).

Here is your answer to what it means to love with the HEART! Without judgment, purely, as it is. And personally, I understand only this form of love, because it comes from the heart, from our emotional part. To give ourselves completely and entirely without a trace. Maybe because I have a tendency to the so-called dependency in relationships? Or because I am a Pisces according to the zodiac sign and, most likely, some Taurus, Aries or Virgo, for whom thoughts and analysis come first, will not quite agree with me (or maybe they will, people are different. And endlessly thinking and analyzing Pisces also exist). Well, in short, I do not believe in love through the brain, because it will always be some kind of union based on benefits, calculations and expectations. Which will eventually lead to nowhere. Or, at least, to heart disease. So many people have heart problems ... Do you think that our physical heart exists separately from the energetic one? Absolutely not. It is all one and if you do not start cleansing the energy channels of the heart now, over time this can develop into very unpleasant consequences. If there is pain in the heart, if it is closed, and the energy does not flow there, then sooner or later it will affect the physical. Take care of your energetic heart!
By the way, what is at the origin of the distorted flow of heart energy? No matter how many people are tired of this topic and no matter how much we have already “worked through” this topic, this is the topic of parent-child relationships. And if you have already dealt with this topic, but reading this text you have a reaction “again? How much longer can you delve into this topic?” ... Well, if you have such a reaction, it means that you have not yet healed your deep inner relationship with your parents. And what is at the basis of this complete healing? I will give my thoughts on this topic and my feelings (because I am not a “professional psychologist” and will not retell you psychology textbooks).

Since childhood, we have been involved in a huge number of traumas, grievances and misunderstandings regarding our parents. Because we spent the most time with them and the child had the highest expectations from them. Well, how else? After all, they are naturally the closest people to us on Earth. This is provided by nature, genes, the essence of our avatars on Earth. The greatest energetic connection is with them, as well as with other members of the Family. Why? Because 100% of your cells, DNA, who you are is totally and completely the legacy of your parents and ancestors. There is no other genetic information in you except the information passed on by your parents/ancestors. You can deny, resent and resist. But it is so. Even if your parents did not pay attention to you in childhood. Even if they offended you very much... even if, even if, even if...

It is very strange to hear during consultations phrases of people who say "I don't have parents" (or one of them) - for example, if they grew up in an orphanage or one of their parents abandoned them in early childhood. Alas, but it does not work that way. Yes, such a state of affairs is very painful for our psyche, ego and our wounded childhood part.

It is painful, incomprehensible... And a huge feeling of universal injustice "and why exactly did they do this to me?" We will not consider here deep karmic moments and cause-and-effect relationships (I will reveal a little secret - nothing is accidental and if your parents are *losers, then most likely you were very *lucky* in past lives... But this is a separate conversation and a completely different story, which, perhaps, is better to analyze in individual consultations, so as not to reveal individual sensitive traumas of people reading this text here and now. Because everyone has their own separate story. And all stories are very different with their own solutions and answers. I will only say one thing... In the Universe, everything is fair, even in the most, it would seem, unfair moments (it's just that the answer to "why" can often lie in such deep layers of our shadow that not everyone is ready to desperately go into this and be honest with themselves).

So what is important to do and what to pay attention to when it comes to healing the heart? Both physical and energetic (and these moments are completely and totally connected). First of all, you should pay attention to the fact of surrendering to yourself, your feelings and your true emotions. Are you happy? Every day you wake up with a smile on your face, inspired to get up and live this day joyfully and actively? Or you don’t want to get up and you feel apathy, depression, and some people even have no desire to live. Yes, this happens.

Let's pay attention to the situation in the world. According to official data, in Iceland, every 161 out of a thousand people are on antidepressants, that is, approximately every sixth. The island state is followed by Portugal, Canada and Australia - there the figures were 139, 130 and 122 people, respectively. The United States is only in fifth place in the rankings — 110 people per thousand residents use antidepressants. Sweden follows behind (109 people). Great Britain is in seventh place with 108 people. It must be admitted that the numbers are really high. And, apparently, this is not just happening. And what is especially sad is the fact that such a situation is considered by modern society as a relative norm. I personally was in the United States several years ago and saw a billboard with the inscription “Have you taken your morning dose of antidepressants yet?” Back then, there was no talk of healing, energy, and so on. But even then, this information seemed strange to me “why is it like this here and is such a formulation of the question considered normal? Why don’t people look for other ways to become happier?” Let’s return to the main topic and the “imperfections” of modern life. Perhaps, most people find themselves in a situation where certain external factors, as well as their internal state, are far from ideal and far from harmony, peace, inner happiness and a state of self-love and true enjoyment of life. Alas, we are taught the most complex geometric and physical formulas at school, but we are not taught the main thing - how to live this life. And it turns out that most people are deeply unhappy. Someone lives like this all their lives and convinces themselves that "everything is fine", finding at least some outlet in travel, friends, parties, and someone even in worse phenomena - like the same antidepressants, alcohol and other similar things. Are people to blame for this? Of course not. Is it possible to get out of this state? Of course it is! Is it possible for everyone? I admit that yes, for everyone, but with a great desire - for some it will be easier, for others it will be more difficult. But everyone can get out. Is there much to learn and understand (first of all, deeply understand and know yourself) – of course, YES! Do most people want to learn and know themselves? I don’t know, but the fact remains – today more and more people are delving into the topics of self-development, self-knowledge. And this is not esotericism, this is not something spiritual. It simply means devoting some time in your life to learning about yourself and how this world works. Because this is the most important, unique and valuable knowledge in fact – how you work, how the world around you works. How energy flows, how life happens. And now I’m not talking about politics, sociology or jurisprudence. But more about the body, psyche and soul… because everything starts with us and, having mastered yourself and your energy (let’s say, having tamed your inner demons), you become able to consciously, balanced and from a state of confidence, peace and mastery of your emotional state interact with the outside world.
Is this an easy path? No, and the more serious, large-scale and powerful your energy, the initially “stronger” your “demons” ... In general, I usually consult very energetically powerful people, most of the people who go through me are healers, doctors, psychotherapists and other people of helping professions. So, almost half (and I was there) went through the topics of depression, addiction, apathy, depression and confusion “who am I? Why am I? Where am I going?” or the topics of serious diseases ... But it was these heavy energies and shocks that pushed them to become who they became. Because this negativity pushed people to look for answers. This story is shown very beautifully and truly in the movie “Doctor Strange”. When a man with very powerful energy went very hard for his demons - pride, ego, superiority and glory at the expense of humiliation of others and contempt for them. And then how he was plunged into the very bottom and most importantly – HE DID NOT GIVE UP AND STARTED LOOKING FOR ANSWERS. ONLY strong-willed people who find the will to ask for help at such critical moments in life, to start looking for answers to questions, to read QUALITY literature about how the world works (here, by the way, I want to recommend my favorite book, with which I completely agree and my soul has a full response “yes, this is the truth” - Steve Rother “Spiritual Psychology. 12 Basic Life Lessons”. I can also recommend my first book “When everything seemed normal until 27, and then everything went wrong”. There are a lot of cleansing, balancing codes and yes, I guarantee that in many ways after reading this book the veil will fall and in many ways you will see the world much closer to what it really is.

What does all this have to do with the topic of jealousy, love, relationships? Yes, because, perhaps, you thought that I would give you an easy secret on how to open your heart and go out into total Love. But I am not a theorist, but a practitioner. The energy of truth flows through me and I do not like lies. So I will tell you honestly ... If you have chosen the vector of opening the real/true self, opening the heart, opening your energy and remembering who you really are (disidentification with your ego and realizing that the ego is just a tool and you can control it, and it has not totally taken possession of you as if it were God and the only truth) - then, most likely, you are already in the process of this and are looking for answers to questions. And it is not always easy on this path. The death of these pieces of the ego can sometimes be painful. What you considered the truth and the highest truth suddenly collapses in one moment and you begin to understand that you lived in a lie ..., it sounds pathetic. I will give an example for a clearer understanding of the phenomenon. Using the example of ... an apple.

For example, since childhood, your parents taught you that eating one apple before bed is healthy, it cleanses the body and generally has a beneficial effect on sleep processes. You eat this apple before bed every day. You grew up, began to know yourself and how your body works. You still continue to eat apples and every time you do this, you wake up with warm memories of your parents, childhood and the baby crib. And how your mother kissed you before bed, eating that very apple with you. But you continue to grow and develop. Many factors have already happened in life that gave rise to mistrust in the world and people in you, and your last relationship generally broke your heart and you have not yet had time to free yourself from this pain. And, perhaps, you do not even know how to free yourself. And the general background of your mood is no longer as perky and rainbow, which it was 5 years ago. But you continue to eat apples. Because it is an outlet. Because it is a daily pleasant reminder of those emotional moments when your mother kissed you on the forehead as a child, gave you this apple and you felt completely safe without the need to worry about anything, take care and organize your life. But you are a fighter and you are not entirely happy with this “unhappy” state of affairs, and you search further.

And then you “dig” to the point that, it turns out, apples are not entirely useful specifically for your body, because due to daily eating of apples, stress and heredity, you have developed pancreatitis and it is very difficult for your pancreas to digest apples. And in general, after talking with a competent nutritionist, you learned that eating closer than 2-3 hours before sleep is not entirely right for our body. Because instead of sleeping relaxed and recovering, it is busy digesting food while you are trying to sleep. But the body doesn't sleep and works - that's why by the morning you don't feel rested and well-rested. And if there was other food there besides the apple, even heavier, and every day, then your intestines are simply clogged with kilograms of "undigested" food.

And then you realized all this. That such an apple "addiction" is actually killing you... But at the same time, at this stage of life, this is one of the few emotional "outlets" that "keep you afloat". And then such AAAAAAAAA... No, I will not give this up... but I also understand that I am starting to feel discomfort from this. And internal discord and pain. Weaker players roll back to apples. What do the strong ones do? They go into these traumas and sort them out in order to understand "how to purely, sincerely and without false delusions fill their life with joy every day and, as a result, smoothly, step by step, give up such "destructive" apples at night. And this is a very interesting Path. The path of sincerity with yourself!

How is this connected with the heart, love, relationships? Directly. Only a person who consciously went into their emotional traumas, healed destructive programs and uncontrolled emotional reactions, has the ability to LOVE! And yes, first of all, this is about the HEALTHY ability to love yourself. This is about the ability to take care of yourself, treat yourself with care and FEEL yourself. Learn to feel yourself. Track your thoughts, states, balance and harmonize life energy in the moment. This is all a path of self-knowledge, which takes many years. But what do you get for this? Smooth, step-by-step and fascinating knowledge of the TRUE yourself.
What will it give you - freedom. Freedom from your own framework, limitations and beliefs. How will it affect your real life? Yes, most likely, everything will turn upside down and you will have to completely replace your "software". But you will begin to see the world as it is, feel yourself, people, situations as they really are. And this will be the starting point of "awareness" and complete control over your state / body / emotions. It will not be mental constructs in your consciousness and emotions that will control you from now on, but you will master what is happening inside you and, as a result, you will be able to give it to the world outside. How to achieve this - everyone has their own path. The main thing is to let the Soul of the Universe understand - yes, I am ready and want. This is what happened to me at the age of 27, when I did not really understand anything, but I expressed the intention to remember my real self who I am (not this cartoon character Alexey, who was a lawyer at that stage and started doing massages). Why cartoon? Because everything around is a game! And people are just actors. But having gone through the above path, you turn from an unconscious actor, through whom someone plays, while you do not even understand it, into a player. And not even a player, but a director and creator of your life. And it is also important - having known yourself, you go on the Path of your destiny and begin to live your true scenario. You begin to meet YOUR people, with whom you have a powerful soul-to-soul connection, you understand each other at a half-word. Perhaps, the sphere of your activity will be adjusted or completely changed, but the new sphere will be much more in tune with what you really want to do (not from "must", coercion and necessity, but through "wow, I love it, I want it and I do it!").

What methods specifically to achieve this? The Universe already knows better. From you the Higher Powers are only waiting for your free will and desire to "unpack" yourself and "tear down" the old false personality. And there you will find assistants, teachers and guides. I, in turn, help people to go through this path through the unique technique of "Reunification with the Soul" - cleansing a person from various false factors of personality, "closing" and zeroing out the "karma" of the family and past lives, and this life... Zeroing out karma occurs through awareness and making new decisions, restoring energy channels that have been distorted throughout life and much more. All this happens quite quickly and effectively (depending on what level and depth of transformation the person himself is ready for and what his requests are).

What does this have to do with the sphere of relationships and jealousy? Yes, because, having gone through this path of unpacking, erasing the false personality and finding yourself, you will be able to build HEALTHY, sincere and real relationships, full of love, trust and respect. Usually, one of the partners is a little "ahead" in terms of awareness and finding themselves, someone needs more time to open up. But often, having passed the level of "relationship simulators" that were mentioned above, you become ready to meet that very and only person with whom your Soul came to be together in this body in this life and in this dimension. And then the real game begins and the real union of two twin flames, who together give birth to energy of such extraordinary power that they can move mountains! Sort out your "simulators" quickly and let them go. And let everything in your life be real, without apple stories;)
Nowadays, there is so much information all around us... And yet, you are the person who read this long text to the end. I thank you for this, for your time and attention! And I sincerely hope that this text was useful for you! Thank you 🙏
For those who read it to the end (which means that it is really important and necessary for you and you want to develop), I am leaving a gift. The code is "open heart". If you write me this phrase on one of the messengers - telegram or WhatsApp, a diagnostic 15-minute session of Reunification with the Soul for you is a gift. A superficial energy reading and an answer to one of your questions about you. Links to my messengers are on the main page of the site. See you there!)