this is the best thing I have collected over 5 years of constant travels around the Earth... Something that really improves life, health and well-being. I checked everything on myself;)

I sincerely love a variety of tools that improve energy, mood and overall well-being. In my life I have tried a lot of different things, and I can share with you recommendations of those tools that really heal.

Traveling endlessly to different countries, looking for the best, most effective and high-quality products, I found those miracles that really work.

Countries I've visited
I have visited over 45 countries and tried a huge number of healing methods there, remotely and online. This was important and necessary for me, because since childhood I was an extremely sick child and at different times throughout my life I was diagnosed with arterial hypertension, prolapse of the left metal valve, vegetative-vascular dystonia, bile stagnation, inflection of the gallbladder , hepatitis, atrophic gastritis, enterocolitis, multiple Schmorl's hernias throughout the spine, large hernias in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, transverse flatfoot, second-degree scoliosis and, and, and... I felt all this and I felt all these diagnoses in myself .
This was especially difficult, since I feel very strongly about my body and the processes occurring in it. Since childhood, I have understood and felt that traditional medicine does not provide answers to questions, and in most cases everything either ends with surgery or chronic drug use. These are not my methods, and I don’t want it that way, so I started looking for answers to my questions, and by and large it was the voice of the Soul, which wanted me to awaken and pushed me to look for answers, sometimes “motivating” me through pain and discomfort for my body and ego. But everything that happens to us is never accidental, and always has an important and higher purpose.

I was finally pushed into the topic of healing and self-knowledge by a serious illness, which literally left me no choice. By the way, this is the fate of almost all healers. Or an illness, or severe depression, or a difficult relationship... in general, something that leaves no choice and forces you to look for answers to your questions, otherwise it will be very bad, even death.

One way or another, we are Souls in human bodies who come to Earth from incarnation to incarnation to learn different experiences and enrich the memory of the Soul. This is perhaps the main point with which I work. In this regard, first of all, I work with the cause-and-effect relationships of certain phenomena. This mechanism is fully, thoroughly and, in my opinion, ideally described in Steve Rotter’s book “Spiritual Psychology. 12 Essential Life Lessons. This book would be my number 1 recommendation.

(1) To be honest, this is the only book from the field of esotericism that I happily read to the end, because personally it resonates with me 100%, it sets out the pure flow of the Soul of the author. S. Rotter explain in an accessible language what is actually happening with us and how to REALLY and forever improve your life.
(2) Let’s say you are currently in a difficult emotional state and need something to harmonize and calm you down to at least a certain extent. In this case, I highly recommend that you watch my massage videos on my YouTube channel. My videos truly have a powerful healing effect, very calming and to some extent even hypnotic. Often, under published videos, I write what specifically was healed by the model. By watching this video, you will receive healing of related points. It's very enjoyable and effective and requires nothing more than relaxing viewing of my video content.
(3) I love sharing my awareness and my flow of the Soul is largely realized through writing awakening texts, I write new articles almost every day and publish them on my Instagram page. There is also a daily vlog about my life and work.

A basic topic, without passing which, your implementation options will be VERY limited. Recommendation number 4

Theme of loneliness and separation from parents

(4) The problem for most people is the lack of healthy separation from parents. This is the root of 90% of relationship problems in adult age, apathy, the inability to find your place in life and your purpose, and many other imbalances in your life.

As a result, people at 20-30-40-50 years old actually remain children at heart, although they themselves do not even understand this. They cannot and do not know how to create, build their own lives, make independent decisions and be responsible for them.

Because at heart they are children. Children do not have real quality sex, children do not earn money, children do not know how to build quality relationships with people.
But without a specialist it is very difficult to see this in yourself. This is an element of the so-called shadow side, which is so firmly hidden in you from yourself. If everything described in this paragraph resonates with you, write to me, I can help you.
“Chaining” you to your parents... of course, often this is the shadow side and you don’t even suspect that this is so... even if you “escaped” from them to another country, even if they are not alive... but " internal "daddy and mommy" supervise you 24/7 as if looking through a hidden camera that hovers above you wherever you go... It is very difficult, because all the time you have to "meet" these endless demands, criticism and evaluation of "internal "images of parents.....

If this is important to you, I will help to “relax” and “harmonize” these states, help you “put everything in its place” in your birth system, give parents responsibility for their lives, and bring you to a new level of harmony and integrity when You become the only Creator in your life. As a result, only you decide what will happen in your life, regardless of who thinks what, and first of all - internal or external (real) mom and dad. It's about the Courage to Live, the Courage to be Yourself and live YOURSELF, and not fulfill the endless demands and claims of your parents (even internal ones)

Image source -
If you are endlessly haunted by the fear of loneliness; You are uncomfortable and scared on your own and always need someone to be there; if you tend to be jealous of your partner; It’s also quite difficult for you to find yourself in this life and understand what you want to do, what your purpose is, if you can’t find your favorite way to earn money for a long time, then most likely you have not mastered the topic of separation. Deep down inside you are still a child, but you most likely cannot find a partner and/or build a relationship competently, because your heart is actually occupied by mom/dad, whom even at 37 you cannot finally let go and are constantly spinning in your head (even unconsciously for you) is the topic of grievances / claims with a statute of limitations of 20-30 years.

I work with these cases and solve them, but overall, I would like to recommend watching this film. At one time, it caused me a lot of resistance at the very beginning, and I shouted “this is not about me” ... oh... how much it was about me (despite the fact that I actually left my parents’ home at the age of 18, and this film I looked around 28 years ago. Territorial separation does not mean energy separation at all).

If this topic is close to you, please watch the following video. I guarantee it will “tear you” ... I advise you from the bottom of my heart!
(5) Natural stones. For me, these are most often stones in the form of beads and bracelets. If you watch my content, you can see that some stones are always on me. I choose stones according to my feelings when I come to the store. They are different depending on the period of life. Each stone has a Soul. For me, they are like family creatures; if you make friends with a stone, it will be a powerful amulet and protector, working 24/7 with you and improving your condition, and therefore improving your life.

When I come to the store, I communicate with the stones. I just take the stone in my hands and follow the sensations in my body... when I hold this stone in my hands, does something change in my body in a more pleasant direction? There are revolutionary stones. This is when you take it in your hand, and it affects you so powerfully that something in your body turns over.

The most striking effect is when I take a stone in my hand and feel sick, for me this means that it provokes in my bioenergy structure the healing of such a severe program that my body is already “twisted.” Which means this is it. But this is only for those who are ready to be honest with themselves and go through certain transformations and a certain energy detoxification. Sometimes healing occurs through exacerbation and wearing such a stone in the first stages can cause rejection in the body. Again, if you are interested in soft knowledge of yourself and your body without extreme sports, you do not need to choose such stones.

In my understanding, a truly healed body and energy is when you wear any stone and feel comfortable with any stone. I would call it synchronization with all frequencies of the Universe. When limitless potential is revealed in you and you, like a rainbow, shine with all shades of the color energy spectrum and all areas of your life are in balance.
Many people go into one thing. For example, making money, but they begin to ignore their other needs and interests. Health, for example. A imbalance arises and in this case there is no talk of balance. So, stones, correctly selected to suit personal internal sensations, greatly balance the state.

IMPORTANT! I provide services for individual selection of stones and creation of beads / bracelets just for you, according to your request and energy state. If you are interested, write to me through one of the messengers and we will discuss the details. Unfortunately, international shipping of natural stones is usually prohibitively difficult. But you and I can find a solution if we really want to. You can contact me through one of the messengers, at a minimum, we can conduct a diagnostic session and I will tell you which natural stones are suitable specifically for you at this stage of life to effectively resolve your request.

(6) The next tool is essential oils. This is actually some kind of miracle. Each oil has its own specific effect on the body. For example, daily inhalation of cinnamon oil cleanses your sexual views and preferences from false and superficial ones, and also attracts money into your life through those ways of generating income that are truly and uniquely yours. And my favorite oils are lemon eucalyptus and clove - they strengthen your emotional and energetic boundaries so that other people cannot invade your personal space and you can protect yourself.

Also, one of my favorites - cypress oil - heals holes in your biofield and restores the integrity of the aura. I can talk about oils a lot and for a long time.

Important! Regular budget oils often don't work! These must be high quality 100% natural oils! I have smelled and tried so many brands, personally I have only found a few brands that I trust. Number one: Essential Oils - Ceylon Brands - Ceylon Brands They have international delivery. I buy these oils when I personally travel to Sri Lanka.
It is much easier to get Doterra oils. Yes, the price there is noticeably higher, and the quality is not as “natural” as that of the oils mentioned above, but still, I have not seen a more abundant assortment, quality and ease of purchase than Doterra oils.
In third place I have the Malaysian brand Il Purro. These oils are natural and work well. Yes, they are not as intense as Doterra, but their price is usually 5 times lower than Doterra, and the quality is only slightly lower. Essential oils, natural organic products and batik fashion Malaysia – iL Puro Natural
In 4th place is the Thai brand Phutawan (4th only because this brand has only about 15 types of oils, while Doterra and Il Purro have 50 types, even from the most rare plants such as blue tansy or helicrisum). Phutawan Shop

(7) The most powerful and extreme method I know is Full Body Hijama. For me, this is not only a powerful physical detox, but also a cleansing of the astral body and emotional release. A lot of negative energy comes out of the body during the session. The astral component of our energy is about emotions, especially negative ones - melancholy, anger, apathy, depression... Hijama (at least when performed by my master) has a very powerful liberating emotional effect. Afterwards, you feel not only better physically (I especially adore facial hijama - when the bruises go away after a few days, your face becomes like a baby’s), but also emotionally. And yes, a lot depends on the quality of the work of the master who performs the session for you. I do Hijama in Kuala Lumpur, AVICENNA HEALTH Malaysia. I am responsible for the quality of the work of these specialists, because I myself have contacted them 7 times over the past two years.

(8) Acupuncture. It really works! And very powerful! Even with those diseases that traditional Western medicine does not treat very successfully or does not treat at all, hooking a person on endless chronic medication.

I usually do acupuncture on the back and front surfaces of the body and face. This is a very powerful effect and beginners, of course, should start only with specific areas as prescribed by a doctor. My doctor (I don’t know anyone better in this matter) is Dr. Chen, Bangkok. Her Instagram page is below, in the video under this text is her personal “creation” :)

(9) Also very powerful tools are cupping (like Hijama, but without puncturing the skin) as well as GuaSha massage. A regular massage from a powerful master is also gorgeous, but I’m talking about deep, cardinal methods. In the photo - I am studying Guasha Massage in the kindest, most responsible, bright and intelligent massage school on Earth, where I received most of the knowledge regarding physical massage methods, below I will give their contact. They are located in Kyiv, Ukraine. But they also do individual massage training online in English

School of massage "New World", Kiev (the school is more than 15 years old, the experience is colossal). Training is possible both in Kyiv and online. The guys teach a huge number of types of massages and bodily techniques/practices. My number one recommendation! In particular, you can get training from them: Thai traditional massage, a huge number of types of facial massage, Thai massages: acupressure, stretching, blind master Ajahn Sen Chai, Jap sen, massage using the technique of the Wat Pho temple complex, Thai dynamic massage, gua sha, Chinese foot massage and Chinese Tui Na massage, acupressure, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage, osteopathy, visceral osteopathy, lymphatic drainage massage, Chi Nei Tsang (visceral therapy) and Karsai massages, Sabai massage, fire massage, Tibetan singing bowl massage, fire massage and many other!

(10) Regarding softer methods of influence. Although, in fact, only through gentleness can one “enter” the deep layers of the human body, psyche, and energy. It is impossible to penetrate very deeply through rough influence - the body will clamp and resist and will only let in at a certain level. That is, this is rough cleaning, and now we will talk about fine jewelry polishing. Regarding soft influences, for me it is osteopathy and cranioscaral therapy, biodynamics. Again, it all depends on the master. My master and teacher is very powerful. If you ever manage to get an appointment with Dmitry, I wholeheartedly recommend him.

The main thing he learned and teaches me is the body - a self-healing structure, with its own wisdom. An osteopath can be nearby, observe, but he cannot “heal” or “do his part”... it is important to turn this off and allow the body to regulate everything on its own. It's very powerful and profound.

(11). Classical music brings you back to yourself, activates your brain and improves your energy levels. My favorite composer is Vivaldi. His music contains a lot of codes of exorcism and energy cleansing. When I work, write texts, even now, I listen to Bach and Mozart. They really involve brains and concentration. And they harmonize energy very much.
She has been nominated for an Academy Award, two Grammy Awards, and the Mercury Prize

(12) If you add a little salt to your shower gel or soap, wash your body with it, especially your head, leave this salt for at least 5 minutes and then wash it off... you will instantly feel MUCH better! Even better - a bath with salt, and even better - the sea/ocean.

(13) Kudin tea - I call it “the drink of exorcists.” It strongly drives away low vibration energy dirt from you. Usually it is advised to brew it for 2-3 minutes, but for it to “work”, the tea must be very bitter and concentrated. I pour boiling water over it and leave it until it cools completely, and then drink it. It's very bittersweet... but it's incredibly grounding and energetically clearing!

I buy tea in Thailand from Dr.Holland | Pattaya | Facebook they are located in Phuket, Pattaya. In general, I advise you to take a look at their page, it’s where I’ve been purchasing Thai traditional medicine for two years now. And to be honest, it is the Thai herbs that I buy there that have made me a much healthier person physically. I wholeheartedly advise you to take a consultation with these guys and order exactly the drugs that are right for you. Psoriasis, eczema, bile stagnation, arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes - all this can be COMPLETELY cured!

If you work on your emotions, thoughts, state through the Soul and Spirit and competently and effectively support the body. Thai traditional medicine in this case is priceless and very effective! I have tried a lot of dietary supplements in my life, nothing works as targeted, powerful and targeted, solving the root of the problem, and not just removing the symptoms, as Thai herbal preparations.

(14) Psyllium! This is an absolutely amazing powder that can be bought at any pharmacy in almost any country in the world, used daily (I make “jelly” out of it and usually use it instead of dinner 1-2 hours before bedtime, it greatly detoxifies and harmonizes the gastrointestinal tract). Make this psyllium jelly and drink it at night for at least two weeks! I guarantee that you will have much more energy, lightness and acne will go away. More recently, I discovered flax seeds and brew them in a thermos, then consume this liquid after it has cooled. To be honest, my gastrointestinal tract has never felt so good!

(15) It is very important to maintain a pleasant atmosphere and clean energy in the place where you live. But this is a long conversation. In a nutshell - washing floors with water and salt, candles, aroma lamps with high-quality natural essential oils, classical music, burning palosanto, sage, natural incense - all this significantly harmonizes the energy in the room.

(16) Swimming pools, ice plunges, saunas, onsen... honestly? I don’t know anything more effective for instant cleansing and harmonizing energy.
(17) Solitude with nature is very cleansing and energizing - and the further you are from civilization, the more effective it is. Do you have depression, apathy, unwillingness to live? Urgently on vacation to the ocean, to the forest or to nature.
And I’ll tell you honestly, TRAVEL is something that develops you EXTREMELY! What INSPIRES gives you energy and the desire to LIVE, ACT AND CREATE! I tell you very seriously - travel as often as possible! To the places you feel and want! Your subconscious will lead you exactly to those places where your revelation will occur in the most powerful and beneficial way! The main thing is to be honest with yourself and fly where you want, and not where meals three times a day and “all inclusive” are an extremely false reason for choosing a country for travel.
I’ll insert a few of my personal videos from my favorite HEALING places on Earth, full of the energy of Life:

(18) Read on Google about the benefits of Mushrooms - shiitake, cordyceps, lingzhi, hedgehog... They work very powerfully and restore self-regulation and self-renewal, healing the body. Guys, especially the hedgehog... I under no circumstances recommend any mushrooms that alter the state of consciousness. In my opinion, this is not a healthy way of learning about yourself and the world. Often people who use hallucinogenic mushrooms and fly agaric mushrooms have powerful, heavy connections that are invisible to them. These mushrooms have quite aggressive and evil essences, I cannot advise this. But the hedgehog... wow! This is Love! Very, very, VERY improves brain functions, including concentration... I recommend it!
My video from a trip to a mushroom farm in Bangkok, my friends and a very high-quality manufacturer of mushroom products - capsules, powder, coffee, dried. You can also order live mushrooms for consumption. Fresh hedgehog steak (Lions mane) is a gastronomic ORGASM!

(19) Cinnamon, cloves, lemon, ginger, garlic, everything bitter... bitters are very healing for our body! Very! Read on Google and eat with pleasure.

(20) Cats absorb negative energy from a person and “digest” it. Important! As those in the know say, I’m not an expert in these matters, it doesn’t harm them, they get a kick out of it. Communicate with cats more

(21) What I found recently and, to be honest, I have never seen anything more powerful in terms of personal amulets that you can carry with you. These are bracelets/pendants/beads made from PENAWAR HITAM wood. This is a unique item that can only be found in Malaysia. When you put on this amulet, it’s as if steel, impenetrable armor is created around your body against any kind of negativity. I believe that every magician/healer simply must have this tool on his body at all times.

Here's what the manufacturer writes: protection from dark magic and the evil intentions of others; repels psychic attacks; enhances positive energy; attracts wealth, luck and success; helps new beginnings flourish; enhances spiritual growth and strength. These items will soon be available in my online store. In the meantime, if you really want to, write to me through one of the messengers, I will help you get such a pendant. Delivery is possible, we'll decide!

Come on... Did you seriously read this entire huge article to the end? Wow... I'm pleased! And I hope this will benefit you! For such curious and self-loving people who want to develop, I made another gift.
Promo code "ARTICLE" - if you write it to me in one of my messengers, I will give you a 20% discount on an online session of SOUL RECONNECTION via video call. I am sure that you are not only an inquisitive, but also a very attentive person. Therefore, you can easily find links to my Telegram and WhatsApp messengers, they are in the article.

Thank you for your time and attention! See you online soon!


Short facts and interview