Players are about 10%. The rest are bots, extras. It's not bad. It is a fact. Only players have Souls, bots do not have Souls.

Modern reality inclines Players to live by the rules of bots, because they are the majority. It will never work like that. We, Souls, have a completely different psychological and energetic structure and we have completely different rules of the Game. Which ones - read in this article

You have already realized that everything around you is a Game, right? And you are the main character and player who creates your own reality? I am sure that you have already begun to feel and see other Players more acutely, and also felt that most of the “people” are bots who do not have the ability for deep awareness and transformation. And no matter how much you try to find a dialogue with them and no matter how much you try to reach their hearts, nothing works. The feeling that you are conducting a dialogue with a doll whose entire brain is occupied with a program and it is impossible to change this. Well... sort of... that's actually how it is.

And recently you have met kindred spirits, like-minded people like you. And before you thought that it was you with such a “weird”, but it turned out that this is who you really are. And this is not strangeness, this is uniqueness. And how nice it is to love yourself and accept yourself as unique, unlike anyone else, and how great it is to be on the same wavelength with your own and not allow bot programs in the bodies of people around you to devalue or humiliate your gifts, abilities, and talents and uniqueness.
I am sure that in recent months your self-worth has increased greatly and the theme of self-love, respect for your uniqueness and individuality has been revealed at a new level. You no longer want to “waste” on trifles, you are no longer interested in lying to yourself and betraying yourself. It’s no longer interesting and you don’t want to. You want purity, You want truth, You want the real thing, not like the majority. Because what the majority has and what it lives in is rotten, banal, boring, and uninteresting. And you no longer want to be uninteresting. For too many years before this, you lived in self-betrayal and lying to yourself. You don’t want to do that anymore! How would you like it? Many have already found the answer to this question, pioneers. And many are still confused, do not understand what is happening and why everything as we lived “before” is collapsing, and what “worked” before no longer bears its fruits and results.

And it seems like I’m writing a strange text, and it makes someone’s brain “explode” and rebel. But no, deep down you know that I am right and you are so warm and pleased inside from what you are reading now. Congratulations, Soul! We have found each other. Or rather, first of all, over the past years/months, you have purified and come to know yourself so deeply that you have become ready for a sincere, honest and real dialogue with your Soul. Without pathos and unnecessary words. Without inventions and self-betrayal. No show-offs or masks. Just surrender to honesty with yourself, just surrender to yourself and find within yourself absolutely all the answers to all your questions, realizing that you are the beginning, the process and the end of everything that happens to you. And at the same time, you found yourself so deeply that you sincerely didn’t care what others thought about you, because you came here in this body to live Yourself (or you are on the way to this and I know that everything will work out for you”) .
Examples of bot programs: you were born into a poor family, and therefore you are doomed to be poor; you have to work a lot and you can only earn so much; you must go to work from 9 am to 5 pm every day; the university-work-pension scheme is mandatory; mandatory you need to get married before the age of 30, otherwise there is something wrong with you; on Friday evening - go to some cafe and drink alcohol and a bunch of other things.

These and others bot programs will always strive to lead you astray from your Path and take you to the wrong place where your happiness is. Why? Because you have a lot of energy. If human bots are batteries, then you are a nuclear power plant. And it is very “tasty” for the black matrix of existence to persuade you into the wrong experiences - substances, smoking, alcohol, distraction by “friends” with whom you are not really interested, poor-quality nutrition with a lot of sugar and other harmful additives, the cult of destructive sexuality and other destructive factors that poison you, your energy and your convictions and beliefs about yourself, through modern and low-quality pop music, films, low-grade pop literature, news on TV screens that steal the focus of your attention and make you nervous. And as we know, where the focus of our attention is, there is our energy. The black matrix of existence, demons and the lower astral plane - that’s who is behind it.

They are not bad, they are just dark teachers who will test you 125 times before access to pure Soul Energy is opened. And if you want to live in purity and unity with who you really are, so that through your beautiful and healthy body you can carry the light of your Soul and realize what you REALLY came to planet Earth for in this body, I am happy to share with you all the nuances and secrets of how the Universe and the modern matrix of existence works. Now you will fully understand why you have been so “tossed” for the last two years and you cannot find yourself and a place for yourself. It's just that the rules of the game have changed a lot.

Changed in what direction, you ask? If we remove all pretentious phrases and explain it in simple “human” language, over the past 2-3 years a powerful transformation has occurred and continues to occur among people with Souls. We are no longer allowed to betray ourselves. At all. Everything can be obtained/achieved/gained exclusively through love, first of all, self-love. “I’ll endure a little more for the sake of something”, “now I’m betraying myself, I feel bad, it’s painful, but I’m DOING THIS FOR A PURPOSE”... no, it doesn’t work that way ANYMORE. You should always feel good. If you go to a place where you are humiliated, offended, where you significantly and to your detriment limit or suppress yourself in some way, this will only give rise to even more negativity, melancholy, apathy, depression and aggression in your life. It doesn't work like that anymore! Austerities don't work. If you feel good now, you create “good” in reality tomorrow. If you feel bad now and it seems to you that you will “suffer for the sake of the goal,” you are destroying yourself.

Many people want/strive to “get out of their comfort zone”... yes, you first create it for yourself and learn to live in comfort, create this very comfort in your life, and then think about “how to get out of it”... just pretentious phrases, that carry nothing in themselves and, in fact, only create negative options for the development of the future in your life.


Your Soul is the reason and main meaning of life in this body. We, Souls, came to Earth to gain material experience. When a person knows how to handle and communicate with his Soul, he can literally instantly receive TRUE answers to all his questions and gaining this experience becomes an interesting educational game in which there is nothing “bad” or “good” and you understand what your soul wants from you. The soul and the Universe, creating certain situations in your life.

Not all human subjects have Souls, or rather, only 7-10% of people have them. The remaining human subjects are assistants who assist the Players in the Game. They are called a little rudely “bots” or “biomass”, rudely, but that’s how it is. And there is nothing negative about this. It’s just that these subjects initially do not have a Soul and they have a completely different energy structure. They are like support staff, helping to support the Game.

I offer “symptoms” that I have derived from my personal practice of working with clients that you are a person with a Soul.

1. You have a very developed intuition, in recent years you have noticed a “sharpening” of people’s feelings, for example, it has become obvious to you when they are lying to you or other people, although you cannot explain this with arguments of “sound logic” or in any way argue you can. You intuitively know which specialist to contact and which one you shouldn’t, where you will feel good and where you won’t (for example, when choosing a hotel, although you have never been there before). Yes, most likely, it is very strange and scary for you to believe in all this, and you, perhaps, have not yet recognized and accepted these revealed gifts in yourself (by which you are very limiting yourself from a large number of benefits, but more on that later);

2. You cannot eat everything, especially heavy food and food with preservatives, flavor enhancers, and so on. At the very least, you feel uncomfortable, and at the maximum, this food easily causes acne, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and so on. Most likely, it is difficult for you to eat milk and meat;

3. You are interested in development topics - for example, it could be psychology, psychotherapy, business literature, esotericism, and so on. You are interested in going deep into yourself and getting to know yourself;

4. Most likely, you have already noticed how you create problems for yourself when you do not follow your inner instinct and intuition. If your inner voice tells you one thing, and you act differently, you get problems in your life;

5. Most likely, you are very sensitive. You FEEL and this is the main thing - in relationships, in food and so on. I FEEL that... and not “I think that”...

6. You capture the “values” that most people live by - for example, drinking alcohol with friends on Fridays; the “you definitely need to get married” program; it is necessary to obtain a higher education; you need to have a stable job and so on - for you this is all false, it doesn’t suit you, you don’t like it and you refuse to choose it;

7. With a high degree of probability, you are a revolutionary, because you see what is REALLY behind the mass system of control of humanity.

8. Religion does not make you want to join it, because deep down inside you know that God (Creator) exists, but this is not about religions at all and your God is about the state inside you, this is your personal PURE connection with the Creator and religion to you definitely not needed.


I also want to mention the category of so-called stellar, alien souls.

Since a lot of aliens watch me and come to my sessions, I want to tell you about you too. Because I love you so much! You are very special and always “out of this world.”

WE. "Not of this world". We are not like the original earthlings. We are not interested in their values ​​and lifestyle. One thing distinguishes us all is that we miss home very much and will never feel that the Earth is our home.

There will always be a slight complaint and dissatisfaction. Yes, we are here, the game is happening and this is important. Actually, this is why we are here, to understand a specific experience. But this material reality will never become our home deep in our Soul, and somewhere deep down each of us is waiting for “when this will finally end and I will return home.”

Obvious symptoms that you are an alien are the following:

- you are a very strange character. Very. You want to live in some very unusual country, house, and wear something strange. And not because you want the attention of other people and say something to the world, no. It’s just that this is exactly what it is for you personally – important, tasty and valuable. You are not interested in anything else. You are sick of the clothes that everyone wears and which are so gray, rotten and dull. Only if you were very “broken” in childhood, you followed the lead of society and began to look like everyone else, but deep down inside it makes you unhappy;

- most likely you have an endless thirst for travel, exploring new countries, gaining some new experiences, trying different unusual delicious foods, new ways of spending leisure time, and so on. This is important and valuable for you - something new. For at your core - you are the envoy of your civilization to Earth and to explore everything new and learn different facets of this world of matter - this is your main subconscious desire, the desire of the Soul, from which “You will never escape”;

- Since childhood, you have felt different, felt unique. If you were not “broken” and you did not betray yourself, then, most likely, this dislike for the ordinary made you a bright, charismatic, successful person. If society has “tried hard” and broken you, then this may be a very closed existence, detachment from people, fear and timidity to express oneself, introversion, reluctance to “extra” go out “in public.”

But, in the end, this is precisely what makes you unhappy, because communication, knowledge and research are your main task and purpose. Without doing this, you will not feel happy.

Many esotericists talk about the category of “star souls”. How to understand that you are a star soul? Yes, you yourself have known and felt this since childhood. That you are not like everyone else and most of the values ​​of modern society and most people are not clear to you. You are a more sensitive, subtle person, most likely an empath. On the one hand, you feel everything much deeper, you sense the subtle cause-and-effect relationships of processes occurring in the world. On the other hand, due to your subtle mental organization, it is so easy for the coarser energies represented on Earth to offend you, attack you and throw you out of balance. But it is important to remember that it was precisely to gain more gross experiences that we, star souls, came to Earth. To gain the experience of dense dimensionality, where not everything is as blissful and highly vibrational as in your native space.

Very often, star souls on Earth have a period of childhood in the physical body, and in general the period up to 30 years, which is quite problematic, although eventful. Relationships with parents are often very difficult. But this is given to us only so that all these factors provoke us to develop. Because we are here for development. And if there had not been such difficult factors, perhaps you would not have become what you became in your years. Because there were many “negative” factors that pushed us to grow and develop.

But it’s worth remembering that only we ourselves shape our reality, and one fine day you can decide to develop not out of need, pain, necessity, but because you LIKE to develop. Find your motivation, why the next day I want to live more pleasantly, joyfully, more comfortably than the previous one, because I want my life line to move only forward and upward, towards a better life, and not stand still and, as a result, roll down . Self-love is the most important motive for development from goodness and the desire to sincerely live better, and not from pain. In this case, the Universe no longer needs to give you a kick in the ass in order to stimulate you to develop, because strengthening the Soul in you and energetic expansion become your integral components of life. Everything is dynamic and everything is always changing. Having caught this “wave”, you find yourself in the same rhythm with the Universe. This is an amazing feeling - always in the right place, at the right time and with the right people and only forward. For that which does not develop, it degrades. What doesn't go forward rolls back.

One step closer to understanding the state of Soul reconnection. Intuition and the voice of the Soul

As for me, the simplest, most understandable example of the voice of the Soul in our body, manifested and accessible to the brain, is intuition. A. Einstein said: “Intuition is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

Intuition is the voice of the Soul. I would say that this is a kind of emergency, an emergency cry of the Soul, in the most important, and sometimes the most dangerous situations. Then, when the situation is especially important and/or unsafe for a person, then the voice of the Soul becomes especially bright and attracts attention. How many cases have been described when people, just before boarding a plane, began to feel something very unpleasant, did not board the flight, and as a result something happened to the plane.

People who are engaged in self-knowledge, cleanse their energy from false beliefs, information and energy implantations, more and more establish a connection with themselves and their True Higher Self, more and more, deeper and deeper, a reunion with the Soul occurs, and they literally begin feel/hear/see it through internal sensations, inner voice or internal images. And yes, it's possible. This is one of the main goals of the Soul Reunion session. So that this connection always exists.

This, of course, is a matter of practice and not betraying yourself. Yes Yes. The key at the moment of connecting with the Soul and who you really are is to ALWAYS follow your inner feelings and NEVER do what doesn’t respond to you inside, what will be a betrayal of your feelings, what ultimately makes you feel badly. Once again, this is key. I have done many Soul Reconnection sessions for people. What contributes to their “rollback” and breaks the connection with the Soul again is: first, the absence of REAL actions aimed at realizing the results of the session in the world of matter (for example, if during the session the Soul told a person to eat a lemon a day on every day to remove certain groups of toxins, then this is important and needs to be done - this information is not “out of the blue”, but is a NECESSARY and important factor in the restructuring and restoration of human energy); the second is, just after hearing the voice of the Soul and learning to feel “where I need and where I don’t, where is mine and where is not mine,” again falling into the state of the fact that I FEEL that this is not mine, doing this, I’m betraying myself, but STILL DOING IT – 90% because it’s what they’ve done before. If you don’t take upon yourself the COURAGE to act differently than you acted “before”, a miracle will not happen. No matter how powerful the healer is, the responsibility for your life lies solely with you.
Every Person with a Soul has a Divine spark. This, in fact, is what is called the soul, this is what makes us Human. This is what lives in the area of ​​our heart and is the greatest force on planet Earth, and in the Universe as a whole. This is the source of endless Love.

I love the Universe infinitely, for many reasons. But mainly for the fact that I was entrusted with a huge gift and talent in this incarnation on planet Earth. I read information from your aura about what is your True Self and what is False. This happens exclusively through the interaction of my and your Souls. I do not use extraneous techniques, energy channels, and so on. This doesn't work anymore.

When we entered the Age of Aquarius at the beginning of 2022, everything secret began to be revealed and you will see that after 1-2 years, the truth will be revealed on planet Earth and how much the order of life on Earth will be changed. Everything secret becomes clear.

But we are earthlings and, following the increase in vibrations of the planet, we are simply obliged to raise our vibrations. Perhaps this is why lately you have been feeling sudden mood swings, sometimes causeless sadness or laughter, joy and then immediately sadness. Perhaps you have the feeling that everyone is running somewhere, flying, everything is developing rapidly, and you seem to be unable to keep up with this celebration of life.

There may be many examples, but the essence is the same - everything seems to be there, but there is no feeling of happiness, and you continue this search outside every day... but this is the wrong path.

I see People with Souls. And these couple of years, everyone is literally filled with anxiety and worry from various shocks, events, emotional specific moments and situations. But all this happens only in order to “cleanse” from People with Souls everything false, programs of oblivion and renunciation of their own Soul.

And everyone has their own story, events and situations. It can be more difficult to go through this if you resist this global cleansing, or it can be easier if you “surrender” to what is already happening and will inevitably happen. Whether you want it or not, whether you agree with it or not. But this was initially the choice of your Soul. To come to this time, to this space and stand at the origins of a new Era, a completely new order of being and awareness of Souls. Even those People with Souls who are quite far from the topic of spiritual growth and various esoteric practices have become much more sensitive, intuition and clairvoyance have developed many times over. We are inevitably awakening and there is literally no escape from this. And these are not just big words, they are true. And you feel it yourself.

But the only question is that the rules of the Game have changed a lot and the features of the flow of energies have changed a lot. What was previously considered true has become false. Those “techniques” and “practices” that 10-15 years ago so successfully helped people in unlocking energy and improving their condition - such as yoga, meditation and psychology, are now showing their ineffectiveness and low efficiency in order to solve the problem once and forever, “at the root” as I like to say.

A new era of new energies has arrived. Previously, Souls could spend several incarnations to learn at least one lesson and pass it. Often, without ever going through the hardest lessons from incarnation to incarnation, and never understanding what the Soul, the Creator, the Universe wants from them, with each new incarnation they found themselves in increasingly difficult experiences and realities in order to finally “turn on” and, in conditions of increasingly difficult incarnations, still learn these lessons.

Now, through interaction with healers of the New Age, the lesson is realized, and the request is resolved in 1-2 sessions. And there are many of us like that. And this is much more powerful and stronger than “yoga”, “meditation”, “psychology” and other things that can be “learned”.

It is important that each such healer has his own specific energy, talent and abilities. And you won't learn this. This Gift was given to you from birth, but it is impossible to learn it.

Almost every day I work with the strongest healers who have enormous abilities to heal other people, but this is all dormant and closed in people. Why? First, they are afraid/embarrassed to show their gift, because at the level of the Soul’s memory, the experience of past incarnations is preserved, when “for this” they were burned at the stake, persecuted and killed. Still somewhere deep inside there is this heavy aftertaste of that state that if you now open your abilities in full force and in full, as if you could burn yourself, destroy yourself with this powerful flow. That is why our gifts and abilities are revealed in stages, step by step, more and more revealing various blocks in waves.

And what I see is that throughout planet Earth the stages of awakening are the same and happen to all Souls almost the same way. It’s as if the Earth is irrigated with new vibrations of one frequency or another, which specifically “irradiate” specific blocks in people in specific areas, making it necessary to “work through” this. In simpler words, I have a blog on Instagram, people follow me and we interact with a huge number of Souls with powerful healing potential. People are “scattered” all over the Earth. Instagram unites us and gives us the opportunity to communicate. So, over the past two years, the same topics have been revealed to everyone at the same time.

When questions of money and finances came up for me, they did for everyone; when the time came to open my heart, even to the point of physical discomfort, many of my friends began to complain about the same symptoms; when the question of purpose and search for a personal means of creating money in your life from the Soul, through love for yourself and your business, suddenly arose, everyone around began to talk about it. Moreover, the same people with whom we discussed the topic of the heart just yesterday. It is obvious to me that waves of a certain vibrational frequency are smoothly, one by one, descending onto the Earth, which purify certain aspects of us, because everything around us is vibration. And our body with its organs, meridians is all a set of different frequencies. Our thoughts and emotions are also frequencies. And the frequencies of the Earth are steadily growing. And the cleansing will continue until People with Souls are completely cleansed of false and destructive programs, substitutions and other forms of self-betrayal.

What do I recommend doing? GIVE UP, do not try to control these transformations. You will be cleaned out anyway and the Universe is steadily leading you in this direction. What does it mean to give up? Don't argue, don't resist. And accept these temporary lessons, tests and temporary discomfort with gratitude. Temporary discomfort will continue in your life until you, descending deep inside yourself during meditation or other methods of self-knowledge, figure out what your Soul REALLY wants from you now, immersing you in one or another, perhaps, partly, an uncomfortable experience for you. Having understood, having seen in yourself the false that is revealed in you thanks to the situation that has arisen, you will solve this situation through INNER PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION! All the answers are WITHIN you!

To solve problems in the outside world, you often don’t even need to do anything outside, you need to understand what specific destructive program in you created this reality, solve it within yourself, heal it, and events in the outside world literally “dissipate” and reality changes in a direction that is more harmonious for you . Having dealt with this once and for all, this negative situation, the trigger, which literally, like a mirror, through events in the outside world showed what is out of balance and out of place for you, disappears and no longer bothers you.

So what is the essence and why are the Soul Reconnection sessions that I conduct with people so effective? I simply take you by the hand and, due to my colossal energy conductivity (thanks to the Creator, my Soul and my personal work on revealing my personal energy), I bring you into the light and awareness on this or that issue and show you clearly the cause-and-effect relationships in your life. I show why this or that situation arose in your life and what IT REALLY TEACHES YOU. The most interesting thing is that in 90% of cases, what you think about the situation and why, in your opinion, it was given to you, it’s not about that at all, but about revealing some part of your “shadow” side , which is invisible to you in yourself.
Happiness lies in smoothly, step by step, cognizing your Inner Universe, restoring full contact with your soul, which was lost only because we are taught at school and university everything that is possible, but are not taught the main thing - how to live a happy life. But happiness is not external, happiness is a state of the Soul, it cannot be felt until this contact is restored.
And yes, today there are a huge number of specialists who, using one or another method, help you, to one degree or another, get closer to a feeling of internal unity, inner purity and lightness, when you begin to understand clearly and clearly - who you are, why you are and why do you live this life. What are your goals, purpose, talents and characteristics. You begin to fully and lovingly accept yourself and all your character traits, characteristics and nuances of your worldview. This takes time. In fact - with each step, more and more, deeper and deeper knowledge of ourselves - this is the purpose of being us, Souls, on Earth.

If you are reading this article, and even more so, have read up to this point, I am 1000% sure that you are a powerful Soul, quite experienced and mature. Most likely, even with healing potential, you came to Earth in this body for fairly large and significant achievements and achieving significant success. You are “not enough” like everyone else. And I am sure that you have already visited “psychologists” and other “earthly” specialists who, at a minimum, could not help you in any way and did not give answers to your questions. At the most, they also harmed you by trying to “shove” your unique worldview and attitude into the canons of “earthly” psychological frameworks and standards. Perhaps someone was even labeled as mentally ill and was already prescribed medications (yes, yes, no matter how sad it may sound, but these are examples of my clients. Alas)

You need a specialist with such an amount of energy who would “take you out” and master your most powerful energy. The energy of the healer must be many times stronger than the one being healed. Otherwise, according to the principle of the law of communicating vessels, the healer’s client begins to “feed” with his energy, and not the healer fully conducts the Healing Flow. Of course, there are exceptions too. And one of my favorite massage therapists - a guy - does not have such powerful energy. But in turn, he gives an amazing “earthly” massage and, on the contrary, it’s better for me. Because I can “fly” myself. Sometimes you want simple earthly pleasures and earthly conditions.

But if you have a request for scale, for something very serious, then I would sincerely advise you to contact me. Because this is not an advertisement, this is simply an explanation to you that I can help you. And yes, through me you will receive answers to the questions that you have been looking for for so long. Yes, we will succeed!


How does the work happen when you contact me? First, we clarify your request. We get in touch with your soul and help you achieve literally any goal and desire (again, if they do not contradict your True Self, but we find out this during the session). The possibilities for helping you are endless. But! Under one most important condition! You trust me completely and allow me to take you by the hand (in a figurative sense) and lead you into the World of your immensely beautiful Soul. This is where limitless reserves of energy, motivation, and inspiration are stored, which will allow you to achieve absolutely everything you want! Absolutely everything! But it's all inside you! Reading this or any other motivational book by even the most famous coaches will only give temporary inspiration, ignite a spark that will go out days/weeks later, leaving only a trace in the form of disappointment, sadness and longing that it didn’t work out again. You didn’t manage to earn the desired amount, you didn’t manage to build a relationship with the person who seemed to be the love of your life, it didn’t work out, it didn’t work out, it didn’t work out….

All because the motivation is not yours, you are told that something is true and important for you, although it is not even close to yours. You are deviating from the path of your Soul by serving the interests and desires of someone else - a spouse, teachers, religious leader, political leaders, and so on, on different levels.

As a result, you will never become truly happy, because in this case you always make the main mistake - you betray yourself. By betraying your Soul, you step by step close it further and further into the cage of imposed desires, the focus of your attention shifts from what makes you truly happy to what was unnoticeably imposed on you. This is a recipe for depression and unhappiness.

The most interesting thing is that in 100% of cases people heard the voice of their Soul at least once. Often these are global, deepest desires, which were often “crushed” in you even at the stage of childhood by your parents, teachers, and environment.

• I'm sorry, what? Do you want to become a world star? Don't be ridiculous, we don't have the money to promote you!

• Haha, do you want to become a professional football player? But you’re fat and they won’t take you anywhere. And so on.

And if a person at this age did not have sufficient fortitude to “defend” himself, this program pushes him through and a powerful suggestion occurs. And this is just the experience of childhood in this incarnation. I am already silent about the immense number of past incarnations, during which a huge number of distortions were acquired, which were preserved in the memory of the Soul and still affect you. A person begins to consider these thoughts-suggestions, as well as false programs, to be his own and without the help of a professional he often cannot track what is his and what is not.
During the session, we awaken your own Spark of the Creator in you, together we bring your Soul out of the shadow of oblivion and establish your contact with it. As a result, your connection with the wisest teacher, the most powerful patron and mentor in your life is restored - your Soul. Because your Soul knows everything about you - the past, the present and all the options for the development of the future. By the way, bursts of intuition are the voice of your soul, which cuts through in particularly important cases. Now imagine that every case and every situation is important and life-changing (and in fact it is)... and every time you can turn to your Soul and ask for advice. And these are not just words, this is a lifestyle when you live in the flow of life and do not betray yourself. And then all life becomes like a Garden of Eden, where everything is fresh, abundant, tasty and joyful. It may sound complicated at first glance. But during our session, if you want, you will feel that it is very easy and pleasant, this is our true state... this is how human being was conceived - to have all the answers to his questions within himself!
I work on all levels - physical, etheric, astral (emotional), mental, level of Soul, Spirit, Creator. Because absolutely any problem has branches at different levels, like a ring of a web that has its own center and in the center sits a big and fat spider. And often (not always, but most often) it is necessary to carry out work at all levels of your bioenergy structure in order for the result to be effective and guaranteed.

But there are a number of keys to success:

1. Your total trust in me and relaxation, otherwise there will be no access to your Soul.

2. Your understanding that to achieve new results you need to take new actions. But these actions will ultimately be much more comfortable and will bring much more happiness than those you did before. Their efficiency coefficient will increase hundreds of times. For this will be the path of your Soul and literally the whole Universe will help you. After days/weeks, you will begin to notice that your desires have begun to come true as if at the snap of a finger.

3. Your true desire to live happily and truly, to love yourself, to grow and develop, for the benefit of yourself and the entire Universe.
The key point during the Age of Aquarius is Truth. Therefore, any kind of falsehood, including within each of us, is revealed. And when your vibrations, together with the vibrations of the Earth, grow, old destructive programs literally begin to vibrate painfully in your aura, because there is no place for them there anymore, your vibrations are higher than them. At such moments, unreasonable attacks of panic, aggression, fear, loneliness and so on occur. And traditional medicine with advice to drink a sedative will not help, but will only aggravate the problem, because your energy structure seems to freeze and weaken from the drugs. And what should have left your field, on the contrary, remains there and begins to rot, poisoning you more and more. Then, following the herbal sedatives, the doctor prescribes you more and more chemical drugs. Let it self-destruct.

Moreover, it is important to understand that there is nothing superfluous in your biofield. Whatever destructiveness was discovered there, you deeply attracted it yourself, or gave birth to it yourself in order to gain a certain experience and become better. All this can be realized and transformed into light, awareness and understanding of what is REALLY happening to you.

The main thing is how much energy will be released as a result of healing a particular disturbing condition. And remember - the more painful the injury or condition, the more of your vital energy is there, which you spend on keeping this condition inside and, as if turning a blind eye to it, without seeing it. By turning away from the pain within yourself, the problem does not go away, but only grows every day so that you finally pay attention to it. Some people begin to engage in personal growth and self-discovery, but others find other methods of “resetting” - alcohol, drugs and other escape from reality. But in fact, in this case, a person only runs away from himself, afraid to look into the most hidden corners within himself, where there are limitless resources for obtaining everything that you can imagine. When you become the Master of everything that happens inside you, you can simply control the space around you, the Universal flows of abundance. For our most terrible enemy looks at each of us in the mirror.

The essence of our work always comes down to the basics. Recognize what is not yours and superficial in your bioenergy structure, liberation from this. Awareness of the reasons why you brought these artificial structures into your psyche/emotions/thoughts. What have you forgotten about yourself or haven’t yet seen that you need these artificial crutches? We find this resource within you, accept it and reveal it. Step by step, not all at once. Because the bioenergy structure needs time to adapt. Our Spirit and Soul work at lightning speed, the sphere of thoughts changes a little more slowly, emotions change even more slowly, and the slowest is the physical body. I've neglected my body before, and I know what I'm talking about. A transformation that is not fixed at the level of the body will not occur to the end and either the issue will not be fully addressed (this is why people often go to psychologists for YEARS), or there will be a rollback to the old model of behavior. Working with me, you will get rid of the problem at all levels and forever.

What bothers you, after 1-2 sessions (usually this is enough) disappears from your biofield forever. Instead, we reveal a huge resource - you gain significantly more strength, energy, inspiration, and most importantly, self-reliance and strength, self-confidence and awareness of your own worth.

Such a feeling of the “True Self” is possible not only in relation to a person. In fact, everything that is not the True Self, but is False, is an energetic distortion of the Universal flow of energy, it’s like a blockage there, you can feel it. Such “traffic jams” can arise in any area of ​​life - relationships, business, the development of your company, and so on. It is possible to eliminate and harmonize them at all levels, depending on our level of access (for example, we will not be able to adjust the egregor of the state just because you do not want to pay such a high tax. But, we will be able to unlock the maximum potential of your company in order to pay taxes were not reflected in any way on your wealth and high level of income due to its significant increase).


One of the most important unique techniques that I use and that I received from my Soul is the technique of wish fulfillment. The point is that you and I smoothly and carefully reveal the connection with your Soul, find out which of your desires are yours and which are superficial. After this, we, interacting with the space-time continuum of planet Earth, set a program for you to achieve these goals and desires. The main goal is for you to become sincerely happy when you achieve them. After all, the goal is not as important as the feeling of happiness and joy when achieving it. It is in this format that you will have internal motivation to achieve everything you want. Because no matter what motivational coaches tell you, you will never achieve what you don’t want deep down. And even if you achieve it, it will never make you happy, but will only be a drain of your vital energy into something that is not your path, and as a result, the rate of obtaining results in real life from the actions taken will be very low.

Remember! When you move in the flow, according to the true path of your Soul, you perform 10% of the actions and get 90% of the results. When you follow the delusions of the False Self, you perform 90% of the actions and get only 10% of the results. This is the law.

After finding out your personal True goals and desires, we conduct a special session of contact with your soul and set a program for achieving these goals and desires in the most blissful, fastest, comfortable, joyful way for you. Also, I work in a special way with the space-time continuum of your life. In this way, your path in life changes and you achieve results tens of times faster and more efficiently, finding yourself seemingly “by chance”, but in fact naturally - in the right place and at the right time, the Universe begins to take you by the hand and in what seems like “random ways.” » lead you to success. There is only one important rule, without which I cannot help you. It will be important for you to learn to listen to your intuition/heart/Soul, but I will teach you how to do this immediately after the session. For it is your soul that will lead you to the right place / time / push you into contact with the right people.

The second rule that we clarify from the very beginning is that these goals and desires must correspond to the goals and objectives of your soul in this incarnation on planet Earth. Otherwise, this is the path to illness, unhappiness and problems.

“Despite fears, doubts, limitations, beliefs, I express my intention...” is the most important key. Remember;)

This is the most magical and powerful formula for fulfilling desires and achieving goals that exists in the Universe. Taking into account the laws and principles of the flow of energies of the Universe, your goals will be simply doomed to success.

Our common work will first of all involve the identification in your consciousness, subconscious, and other levels of your being of destructive patterns, connections, connections, interactions that block and reduce your energy, as a result - you do not realize your potential in all areas of life - finance, business, family, relationships, social development and so on - to the fullest.

You can only eliminate “at the root” what has been fully discovered. If it is hiding from you, it is impossible to solve the problem once and for all. Exorcists will understand what I mean;) Programs love to hide, not showing themselves during the session. By using the above phrase, you give permission for complete healing, regardless of the depth and thickness of resistance and mental defenses built by your psyche. This contributes to the main thing - the complete achievement of results as a result of our session


⁃ more than 10 years of experience in the field of psychology, nutrition, wellness, massage, esotericism, healing, osteopathy;

⁃ the main gift is to restore a person’s lost connection with his Soul. He sees internal organs, the musculoskeletal system, a person’s energy, scans his emotional state, psychological and emotional traumas, energy distortions, diseases, and has the gift of completely healing even those diseases that traditional medicine calls “incurable.” Has a high level of access to the Earth's information field. Sees and can, upon request, harmonize the energy state of business organizations, communities of people, territories, states;

⁃ Master of Law (2013), Doctor of Philosophy, the topic of the scientific dissertation “Administrative and legal regulation of preventive activities in the field of healthcare" (2015), Bachelor of Biology, specialization “human and animal physiology” (2017), Master of Philosophy, specialization “human health" (2018). More than two years of work in the field of nutritional healing (dietology courses at the Faculty of Medicine of Kharkov National University (2011), 7 years of experience working with the body - massage, osteopathy, healing;

⁃ visited more than 45 countries, studying people, mentalities and traditions, various healing methods;

⁃ completed more than 25 courses, trainings, training in massage methods, osteopathy, craniosacral therapy, energy healing, other forms and methods of bodily therapy - gua sha, acupressure, myofascial release, healing through stones (lithotherapy) and essential oils (aromatherapy) and much more


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