Do you still remember that assh*le, that freak who treated you so harshly! Or are you still in a relationship with him? You are with him with an open soul, everything for him! With love, so diligently and responsibly, wishing him all the best and trying so hard to make him feel good! You take it all seriously, and he is not...

And in the end he treated you like that! How is that possible? Why is life so unfair? “What did I do to deserve this?” you ask yourself endlessly, sincerely not understanding why everything is happening this way!

And okay, if it were one person! But no, it’s as if people change, but the scenario is the same - you met, at first everything was nice and beautiful. You spent time together, he showed care, love, hugged, kissed, and maybe even gave gifts. You felt so good then! You felt so good! Those were like the happiest days of your life! And then, a few days/weeks/months later, it was as if he had been replaced! What is this! He started being rude, became somehow bossy, toxic! He behaves so painfully towards you! Why is that? You sincerely do not understand this! After all, everything was so good, and you were a good person and there was no reason on your part for your partner to be “changed” so much.

"See the speck in someone else's eye, but don't notice the log in your own" I tell you! Nothing in our life is "accidental". This is especially true for the moment when you have had several partners before and everything always ends with the same feelings. You are "standardly" betrayed, or the person simply disappears, or you are cheated on. And you still continue to blame other people for your troubles and study the topic of "toxic partners". Life wants to show you one thing, and you look in the diametrically opposite, false direction.

And while you study the topics "how to make a guy miss you", "how to please a man", "how to make a guy to miss you", "how to make a man miss you", "how to make a man obsessed with you", "how to make guy want you more", "how to please a Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo, Pisces ...", "how to get a man to want you more", "astrological compatibility", "numerological compatibility" and so on (I give examples of very popular Google queries). They are very popular. Very! But they will NEVER lead you to a happy relationship. And your Soul, by attracting such painful and unpleasant situations into your life, has been wanting to show you one thing for several years in a row, but you do not want to see the truth. Only for one simple reason - you are AFRAID to see the truth. You are afraid to admit to yourself what is REALLY HAPPENING.

You are afraid to admit to yourself that the problem is not in your partners, but in you. Because initially YOU CHOSE these people. And if the scenarios are repeated, then it is definitely not their fault. And your fault as well. Do you know why?

Because this is the influence of a certain destructive program in you. And most likely - a set of programs. And it is they, SUBCONSCIOUSLY (you do not realize it) that push you to do certain things, make choices, react in such a way that this ultimately leads you to pain and suffering. Victim programs, guilt programs, programs of self-loathing and disrespect for yourself. All this pushes you to live exactly THIS way, through such a quantity of PAIN AND SUFFERING. But it is possible not to! For this through meditation, self-knowledge, work with a powerful energy healer, who can help you see this in you and energetically heal it, erase this program in you.

You ask - what nonsense? Where did this come from in me? I will explain with the most common examples:

- in the family, when you were a child, there was a specific situation and, for example, dad cheated on mom, mom suffered, but could not leave dad, for example, because of you and, possibly, other children. She endured. Perhaps, she endures to this day. Look from the outside at your life and at your cheating partner ... and you endure ... do you not find similarities? Do you know why? Because this stereotype of behavior was written into your "motherboard";

- deeper - believe it or not - you carry in yourself ALL the GENETIC MEMORY of your ancestors and all the events that happened to them. Having entered hypnosis, you can read the biography of any of your ancestors up to the 7th generation (in my practice we reached the 10th generation, but it was hard to read, of course). But “reading the biography of a specific ancestor” does not work like that, no, the subconscious will not let you and you can simply “tear apart”. But you can read pointwise. Then, when some moment starts to bother you and you cannot find the answer to the question of why this situation is taking place in your life.

For example (this is not a topic of relationships, but this example will very clearly give you an understanding of how it works), I had many clients from Ukraine, it just so happened historically that someone was constantly trying to attack our nation, some military actions, crises and famines. Our ancestors often did not have enough food. They survived famines, and then gave birth to children. Your ancestors. And this memory of hunger, lack of food and, most importantly, the fear that "there will be no food tomorrow" was passed on through genetic memory. And you sit on diets for a long time, work out in the gym and so on, wanting to lose weight and stop eating. But you can't do it, because this UNCONSCIOUS PROGRAM literally screams at you that there will be no food tomorrow and out of FEAR of being left without food, you, invisibly for yourself, unconsciously, when you have already eaten your fill and it seems like you could not eat, eat as much as you have already eaten, or even more. This is an example of a program. And there are a million such programs. And they especially manifest themselves when we begin to closely interact with some person and enter into a close relationship with him;

- these can also be your personal programs received in childhood, which have intensified in adulthood. For example, in deep childhood you were very much offended by a guy with whom you were very much in love. That day, when he said something very offensive to you (perhaps it was not offensive, but your vulnerable childish psyche perceived it exactly that way), he was wearing a red shirt. Now, every time you enter into a relationship, everything is fine with you, but one day your partner puts on red clothes, and you wake up with a wild, unreasonable resentment towards your partner. Again, you are not directly aware of this, you are just “sorting out” the results of that childhood trauma and begin to subconsciously, without reason, resent your partner. And your creative brain, in which a million thoughts are always swarming, will project and come up with a million reasons to pay attention to and where the person “sort of” offended you, although he did not even have such thoughts and you only distortedly perceived his words / actions / behavior.

Thus, no partner is toxic, wrong, bad or evil. You just did not understand in time what specific life lesson this person came to teach you. And your Soul called into your life those people who brought to the surface the imbalances and disharmony in you. And the highest meaning is not that you suffer and torment yourself, but that you ENGAGE IN SELF-KNOWLEDGE AND HEAL THESE PROGRAMS IN YOURSELF! And this is often preparation for meeting your true partner! There is ONLY ONE truly yours. And he is already on the way. And all these guys "before" - were only a "warm-up", "preparation", teachers who demonstrated to you that you have something in yourself to work on and sort out.

If it weren't for all this preparation, there are many chances that at the moment when your true partner and person comes into your life, you will not be ready and, having a number of traumas and disharmonies, you will simply miss this person. And if you have not yet met your true person, then he is already on the threshold, do not miss him. The main thing to remember is that you will not need to militantly defend, convince, re-educate and change person who is truly yours. And in relation to you, your true partner will not want to do this. If such nuances in a relationship arise, this is a reason to think - is this your person and do you need him.

Complete mutual acceptance and understanding is what distinguishes true unconditional love and real relationships according to the agreement of Souls from such "training".

People with little potential and a low level of energy can live "somehow" their whole life, with jealousy, pain, trauma, the desire to control a partner, and so on. In fact, just like most of our parents lived. But if you came for large and large-scale goals and tasks, you have a large amount of energy and you really “care” about who to live with, and even more so you are not one of those people who will “live for the sake of children” and other programs of ordinary people, you crave freedom, developing relationships in ease, your soul and your Higher Guardians will not allow you to make such mistakes.

Such false partners will simply be taken away from you until you qualitatively understand yourself and begin to live without betraying yourself, choosing yourself, love for yourself and pure and true love for your true partner.
ALL PURITY and HONESTY with yourself!


I have the gift of seeing, conducting energy and transmitting information from the Souls of people in words. I read the past, options for the development of the future, everything about you as much as your Soul allows.

Up to dates, events, finding the true root causes of your destructive states and completely healing them at all levels and forever (if there is your will and permission of the Soul).

Complete diagnosis of the state of your bioenergy structure, “scanning” and viewing of internal organs and health status