This is me feeling love! This is me feeling goosebumps when I see this person! This is MY hormones jumping up and down in my blood so much that I can’t sleep properly because my thoughts are constantly about this person. Sometimes I even forget to eat. And how much inspiration this state gives me! How much I have explored in myself thanks to the appearance of this person in my life. And the key thing is that HE doesn’t feel anything towards me. More precisely, not so. He feels deeply, but is afraid to admit it to himself, because his ego at this stage makes completely different choices, false ones, because the ego always lies, and only the Soul speaks the truth, but it is so. He continues to LIVE HIS life, he has HIS OWN separate reality, his own path, his own choices. And this is also the hidden meaning and essence of this meeting for me. A lesson in respect for the choices of another, a lesson in respect for the Path of another human being.

Initially, I understood how difficult and impossible this relationship was, but I had hope. I convinced myself of what I read in psychology textbooks - that any kind of feelings of "love" that I had were only about me, for me and about states in my space. A person may not even know this, and there is no need to tell him about it. After all, in fact, this is my story, my life path and what is happening TO ME. And his personal, completely different life path also continues. But is this true in a real healthy relationship? Unlikely. It's just that those relationships were karmic. What does karmic mean?

Karmic relationships are when people interacted in past lives, interacted, but something was unfinished... there are unclosed contracts and Souls meet again to finish what was started there. Again - not for love or relations, just to learn something.

An example of a very difficult contract is the words "I will love you forever" ... uh ... one of the most difficult spells. And then from life to life to meet again and again, already in new bodies, bringing each other a lot of drama and disappointment. Until the contract "I will love you FOREVER" is terminated. Love was then, only in that, other, specific, first incarnation. And then from incarnation to incarnation you meet, causing each other pain, only to remove vows and contracts, and most importantly - to let each other go with love, breaking these handcuffs that bind your Souls and so actively attract you to each other from life to life. Each time the experiences are more difficult, but this connection cannot just “disappear” anywhere, you yourselves created these vows between each other according to your free will. That is why better to say "I will love you always IN THIS BODY / THIS LIFE).

From the Soul, forgive, let go and lovingly dissolve all ties. This is the answer to your question, which you have been looking for so long, dear reader and dear, also deeply traumatized Soul. Accept his different life path, let go with love and return the focus of attention TO YOURSELF! All this is not about him, but about the fact that you are not whole / integral and it is so important and so necessary for you to shift the focus of attention only to yourself and give yourself this love, without looking for crutches in the outside world.

Usually these meetings are very difficult - you fall in love at first sight, a sigh together, a touch. Attention! Let's turn on adequacy and common sense. You see a person for the first time. You do not know him, you do not know what he lives / breathes, what is happening in his life in general. Most likely, his lifestyle makes your relationship impossible (this is ALWAYS the case in a karmic relationship situation - the partner will either live in another country, you will try to move in together, but this will always end in pain and failure; or the partner is already married; or he leads such a difficult and destructive lifestyle that it simply does not suit you and threatens your safety (this is an example of my extreme destructive relationship, when I was in love with a man from the escort world with a severe drug addiction for about six months).

By the way, the main lesson that I learned in the case of my extreme destructive several relationships is to see, accept the total difference, show respect for the person's choices and let go. Because these people themselves choose to leave and they do not need and are not interested in it. Other people, not mine. And I am not their person.

And yes, there are no accidents in the Universe, and the matrix of our existence does not fail. Only our ego fails with its rejection of obvious things.

Everything is cause-and-effect relationships. And do you really think that if this is true love, a true partner, your true soulmate, then everything will be so hard and destructive? How much pain has such "love" given birth to in you? Because this is not love and never was - this is adrenaline, neurotic pseudo-love, which, if it drags on and you rape yourself and all the space around, trying to get closer, will end in harsh codependency - mutual, or your dependence on your partner. But sooner or later this will inevitably lead to a painful collapse, because the person is not yours and you betray your Soul, trying to "drag the situation by the ears."

True love is about something else. It is just the opposite... you are not afraid of losing your partner, you feel that this is him, the very person with whom it is really important for you to be and you will be together. True love never appears "at first sight", it is like a good cognac, it is aged and with each month/year it reveals more and more, with new colors, shades, aromas. There is no drama, and if misunderstandings arise, everything is easily resolved through conversation, because you and this person initially have the same values, priorities, goals in life. Because the Creator created you like this. Do not waste time on trifles, let go of what is not yours. The main thing is to study the lessons that your TEMPORARY KARMIC partners taught you (sometimes so painfully). They came into your life to show you where exactly you are making mistakes and what is important to see and heal in yourself... for what? So that when your real, true partner comes into your life, you will definitely understand that it is he. And then Life will begin...